View Full Version : Derealization?

09-16-2013, 06:44 PM
Oh my god. I have had this symptom for almost a year now. I've taken multiple medications for it and nothing works. I'm also an extremely anxious person but Klonopin keeps it... Controlled. It has helped with the DR a little bit so I'm pretty sure it's linked to my anxiety problem (and possibly depression...or both...WHO KNOWS.) But anyway, have any of you had this weird/scary symptom from your anxiety and gotten over it? I don't want to keep living like this:(

Slammed Vdub
09-16-2013, 08:20 PM
I have, I had that symptom for like 6 months. I cant recall how i got rid of it. I think i simply said, "im through with this shit," and it was gone. Anytime i would just to feel it, or anxiety for that matter, i would simply shack it off in the early stages. Aint no one got time for anxiety anymore. Just give it time and dedication, you can get through it all. I started to go out more, i started to do things that would normally set my anxiety off. Eventually it was like my anxiety gave up because i simply did not care for it. I also never took medication. Find a good distraction for yourself. If you feel an attack or symptom, distract yourself in anyways wand notice how it slowly fades away.

09-16-2013, 08:55 PM
I have, I had that symptom for like 6 months. I cant recall how i got rid of it. I think i simply said, "im through with this shit," and it was gone. Anytime i would just to feel it, or anxiety for that matter, i would simply shack it off in the early stages. Aint no one got time for anxiety anymore. Just give it time and dedication, you can get through it all. I started to go out more, i started to do things that would normally set my anxiety off. Eventually it was like my anxiety gave up because i simply did not care for it. I also never took medication. Find a good distraction for yourself. If you feel an attack or symptom, distract yourself in anyways wand notice how it slowly fades away.

Thank you so much for the hope. I want to get off medications pretty soon here. I guess I'll just keep going to therapy, say f*** you to anxiety, and hopefully this feeling will dissipate. It triggers my depression so badly.

Slammed Vdub
09-16-2013, 09:02 PM
Yes i had a short time of minor depression. It wasnt anything serious. And it was more or less real life depression. (career and schooling) Both depression and anxiety went away. At most i will have one issue a month with anxiety and it is very minor which is gone within 10 minutes. Its easier said than done, but i literally just didnt want to waste my time with anxiety anymore. Its only as bad as your mind makes it. Take back control.

09-16-2013, 09:08 PM
Yes i had a short time of minor depression. It wasnt anything serious. And it was more or less real life depression. (career and schooling) Both depression and anxiety went away. At most i will have one issue a month with anxiety and it is very minor which is gone within 10 minutes. Its easier said than done, but i literally just didnt want to waste my time with anxiety anymore. Its only as bad as your mind makes it. Take back control.

You should be a motivational speaker x) just 10 months is way too much... I've become obsessive about it. I ask everyone if its going to go away and google it all the time. It causes more anxiety which causes more depression which causes more DR... Bad cycle:(

Slammed Vdub
09-16-2013, 10:49 PM
You should be a motivational speaker x) just 10 months is way too much... I've become obsessive about it. I ask everyone if its going to go away and google it all the time. It causes more anxiety which causes more depression which causes more DR... Bad cycle:(

Haha thanks. And ah yes, the cycle. I was in the cycle for a little while. I was diagnosed with OCD and anxiety freshman year of college. I was like "what the duece," and i started to google every symptom.. What a mistake that was... Every symptom can be related to every disease which makes it all worse. The cycle was miserable, which i slowly phased out of. It can be done, but it takes time. I remember there was a time where i didnt remember what feeling "normal" was. Now i think the same way about anxiety. Take it one day at a time KNOWING there is relief and KNOWING it will get better. Once you get locked in the mindstate that it only gets worse and it will never go away, well then it gets very difficult to get out of. Knowing you will get better helps alot with recovery. Stay strong and get back out there with things that make you happy!