View Full Version : Please help, I feel like Im about to have a nervous breakdown

09-16-2013, 02:59 PM
I'm a new user here. I have had severe anxiety issues for as long as I can remember. I often have panic attacks, but they come in waves like some months Ill get them everyday and then months will go by with nothing at all. Lately Ive been having severe burning sharp pains in my chest on the left side and pains by my left rib cage. It usually only hurts when Im standing, like my back just feels like its burning and Ill get a headache. Im convinced I have lung cancer or Im dying of something. I went to the ER bc of the headaches, they did a CT scan and it came back clear. The doctor said it was a tension headache. Im still not convinced nothing is wrong, I dont know if my muscle pain is bc of being so stressed or bc of something more serious. I cry everyday and barely have been sleeping or eating. Im a smoker and 30 years old. I try to quit but I get so anxious I start back up again. I know it makes no sense for someone who is so scared of lung cancer to keep smoking but I really cant help it. I feel like Im losing my mind and at any giving moment Im just going to drop dead. I dont want to go to the ER again bc I feel like they'll think Im crazy. No one in my family or friends understands how I feel, they just laugh everytime I try to talk to them about it. I just need some advice or someone to let me know Im not the only one going through this. I dont know what else to do. Do you think the back pains and headaches have anything to do with it? Please help any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

09-16-2013, 03:36 PM
I'm a new user here. I have had severe anxiety issues for as long as I can remember. I often have panic attacks, but they come in waves like some months Ill get them everyday and then months will go by with nothing at all. Lately Ive been having severe burning sharp pains in my chest on the left side and pains by my left rib cage. It usually only hurts when Im standing, like my back just feels like its burning and Ill get a headache. Im convinced I have lung cancer or Im dying of something. I went to the ER bc of the headaches, they did a CT scan and it came back clear. The doctor said it was a tension headache. Im still not convinced nothing is wrong, I dont know if my muscle pain is bc of being so stressed or bc of something more serious. I cry everyday and barely have been sleeping or eating. Im a smoker and 30 years old. I try to quit but I get so anxious I start back up again. I know it makes no sense for someone who is so scared of lung cancer to keep smoking but I really cant help it. I feel like Im losing my mind and at any giving moment Im just going to drop dead. I dont want to go to the ER again bc I feel like they'll think Im crazy. No one in my family or friends understands how I feel, they just laugh everytime I try to talk to them about it. I just need some advice or someone to let me know Im not the only one going through this. I dont know what else to do. Do you think the back pains and headaches have anything to do with it? Please help any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

I was told once "why go to the doctor If your just not going to believe them?"

Btw, yes I know exactly what you mean, I was sick with a nasty cold or the flu for the last two weeks and I'm a smoker, I was scared to death every time I spit up phlegm that I was dying (I rarely If ever get sick)

Your symptoms sound typical of tension, as of right now I'm sitting in my car trying to get myself going on a date but I keep clenching my teeth and its giving me a severe headache but I'm forcing myself to go.

09-16-2013, 03:39 PM
You are definitely not alone I'm having the same struggle everyday. My fear at the minute is septicaemia I can't sleep and often make coffee through the night because if I go to sleep I'm convinced I will die. It's horrific having these thoughts everyday I'm a wreck. I even asked my husband to have me sectioned as they would monitor me while I slept. I've been to a and e at least once a week for the past 4 weeks as well as doctors, dentists and out of hours doctors on the weekend. My doctor has given me propananol today and I've actually been able to have conversations and rationalise my chest pain, back ache, headaches I'm thinking logically before the scary thoughts start. Please don't think you are alone as many of us on here struggle with the same things you are and we are always here to talk. :-)

09-16-2013, 03:42 PM
Thank you for your reply, and good luck on your date!! These pains just started happening on my left side around 5 days ago. I wish I didnt always think the worst everytime something on my body hurt me. Im going to the Dr. on Thursday so I guess we shall see what happens then.

09-16-2013, 03:44 PM
You should see a doc on your anxiety not the symptoms(headaches, cancer fears) as it's the real issue. Therapy, starting a ssri and maybe a short course of a long acting benzo might be all in order as you seem to be pretty anxious about all and I understand. You're all wound up and going in circles all fed by anxiety and more anxiety. Anxiety and what might be causing it is the issue. PM me any time. Alankay

09-16-2013, 03:44 PM
Thank you, reading some of the posts on here has def. made me feel less alone with this all. I cant seem to calm myself down though, i almost feel like a prisoner to my own mind. Like I said these symptoms starting occurring 5 days ago, my ekg and ct came back fine. If it was lung cancer would it progress this quickly and cause me so much back and chest pain?

09-16-2013, 03:49 PM
I doubt It would progress so quickly and you would be too ill to worry so much. Weight would be dropping off you. At your age I also think it's unlikely. Try not to worry but do go to your doctors for reassurance if that's what you need

09-16-2013, 05:42 PM
I had the same problem too I used to get panic attacks everyday too, it crippled me when I had them ice cold water always did the wonders for me.If you feel like you have lung cancer cut back on your intake or take a break. That is what helps me get rid of my back pain, ribcage pain, leg pain ,etc.

09-16-2013, 06:51 PM
I had the same problem too I used to get panic attacks everyday too, it crippled me when I had them ice cold water always did the wonders for me.If you feel like you have lung cancer cut back on your intake or take a break. That is what helps me get rid of my back pain, ribcage pain, leg pain ,etc.

Thank you for your advice! Are you a smoker also? Do you think this pain could be caused by a pinched nerve or just general back pain? I work with children so Im always picking them up, maybe that could have caused a pull of some sorts. Everytime I feel it though I automatically get nauseous and feel dizzy, but maybe thats just panic setting in. I know I sound crazy but to me these pains feel very real and Im convinced its the worst.