View Full Version : Vitamin d levels low!!!!

09-16-2013, 12:47 PM
My vitamin s level is 22.9 and should be over 30. Is this dangerous??? Anybody have this issue?? Please talk to me

09-16-2013, 12:50 PM
You'll probably feel some anxiety relief when you get it up to normal levels.

09-16-2013, 01:09 PM
22.9 is definitely not dangerous. My husband was down in single digits when he had his Vitamin D levels tested and he didn't have any symptoms or even notice. It's very common to be low in Vitamin D. Some people do have symptoms, especially fatigue. Also increased anxiety in some people.

You should be able increase your Vitamin D levels easily by taking a high potency Vitamin D3 supplement (at least 2,000 iu per day).

09-16-2013, 01:15 PM
My vitamin s level is 22.9 and should be over 30. Is this dangerous??? Anybody have this issue?? Please talk to me

It's (was) summer time! Did you stay inside all day? Hahaha - just 15 minutes of direct sun gives you a megadose of vitamin D, I think it's estimated ~ 15000 - 20000 IU

09-16-2013, 01:36 PM
Yea don't look on line they try to tell me it's extremely dangerous and can cause heart disease!!!! I hate computers!!!!!

09-16-2013, 01:40 PM
My doc says I need 400iu daily cause mine wasn't too low which made me feel better. Do I take strictly vitamin d or a centrum women's one a day that has a dose of everything ?

09-16-2013, 01:47 PM
In my opinion, though I'm not a professional...

Do you take a multivitamin already? If not, you could start with a woman's daily multivitamin AND the additional vitamin D supplement (as an extra boost - you can't OD on vitamin D); once vitamin D levels are within target range, drop the supplemental vitamin D and continue with a woman's multi.

My two cents anyway.

09-16-2013, 01:51 PM
In my opinion, though I'm not a professional...

Do you take a multivitamin already? If not, you could start with a woman's daily multivitamin AND the additional vitamin D supplement (as an extra boost - you can't OD on vitamin D); once vitamin D levels are within target range, drop the supplemental vitamin D and continue with a woman's multi.

My two cents anyway.

Will do thanks for advice :)

09-16-2013, 02:02 PM
Low D can contribute to anxiety, muscle aches and joint issues. Mine was 21 last I tested. I've been doing 2000 IU pills every day but it will take a while to get it up to the 40s.

09-16-2013, 05:11 PM
Blessed I am happy to say that I know a lot about this subject. I have all good news for you. 1) No that is not dangerous to your health but its time to bring it up. 2) Your gonna feel a hell of a lot better when you do bring it up.

400IU is not enough at all. I will post the link to the vitamin D councils website but you should be taking about 5000iu's a day until your level is up which is going to take quite some time. At 2000 IUs mine went up about 5 points a month.


You want to get your level above 60 to be feeling good. Above 100 is too much. Prime range is 60-80. The link above says it all. Please let me know if you have any more questions.

09-16-2013, 05:26 PM
Can you overdose on vitamin d? I ask my doc if I can take 5000iu and she said no because my level was not that low. I just don't know what to do???

09-16-2013, 05:45 PM
I believe you can take too much but its more like 10,000iu's a day. Its more about taking too much over a long period of time. Sorry to say but your doctor is wrong. A lot of doctors don't know anything about vitamins and supplements. That link I posted is from the official Vitamin D Council website. They know what they are talking about. I can promise you 400iu's won't do a thing. You need at least 1000 just for your levels to not go down. 2000-5000 a day would be good but I say go with the 5000. There is a chart on that website saying how much to take.

09-16-2013, 06:37 PM
I believe you can take too much but its more like 10,000iu's a day. Its more about taking too much over a long period of time. Sorry to say but your doctor is wrong. A lot of doctors don't know anything about vitamins and supplements. That link I posted is from the official Vitamin D Council website. They know what they are talking about. I can promise you 400iu's won't do a thing. You need at least 1000 just for your levels to not go down. 2000-5000 a day would be good but I say go with the 5000. There is a chart on that website saying how much to take.

I've got to agree. I take 5000 at the moment just to offset the effects of a British autumn coming up, and I'm not deficient. I can't see 400 making any difference to things. If you can get a lot of good quality sunlight, do that, but a bigger dose than 400 looks surely the way to go. ( saying this, I haven't got a medical diploma, so it's only opinion)

09-16-2013, 08:11 PM
Hi Blessed:

Yes, low vitamin D3 level is a very important issue.

I suggest you read the below link, which is my story/ thread at this forum.
It could help you a lot.


Best wishes,

09-16-2013, 09:31 PM
I live in California and we get a lot of sun all year long, and I'm outside every day hiking with my dogs. But, it turned out I was still low in Vitamin D, and my husband was even lower. Go figure!! I was really surprised by this.

Apparently it's not enough just to be outside in the sun, you need to have something like 40% of your skin exposed. So just having your face exposed to the sun isn't enough. At the very least you need to be shirtless. Or, even better, wearing a swimsuit. Also, any type of sunscreen will diminish the effect of the sun. And winter sun - even in California - generally isn't strong enough to give you the Vitamin D boost you need.

At any rate, this is what my doctor said when I asked her how it was possible to live in sunny California and still be Vitamin D deficient!