View Full Version : Same boat

09-16-2013, 12:34 PM
So sad to see everyone in the same boat hope we all start feeling better soon fingers crossed !

09-16-2013, 01:10 PM
Hey jamie. How's it going? Is your medication helping yet? Hope you have a good week!

09-20-2013, 12:32 PM
Hello sorry for the last reply.... Av been ok over the past 3 weeks, the meds have helped me a lot and so has my new job but a do fear that it will come back to hit me again a really hope it descent but I can't get it out the back of my mind. I feel well enough now the only thing is sleeping it's still not great wake up many times in the middle of the night tossing and turning wake up exhausted for work at 8 o'clock but apart from that am plodding along ok :-)

09-20-2013, 12:59 PM
Hello sorry for the last reply.... Av been ok over the past 3 weeks, the meds have helped me a lot and so has my new job but a do fear that it will come back to hit me again a really hope it descent but I can't get it out the back of my mind. I feel well enough now the only thing is sleeping it's still not great wake up many times in the middle of the night tossing and turning wake up exhausted for work at 8 o'clock but apart from that am plodding along ok :-)

That is excellent news! So glad the meds are helping you, and that your new job is working out well. Yay! I totally know what you mean about always having the fear in the back of your mind that the worst of the anxiety will return, but hopefully that fear will fade as you continue to feel better. Hope the sleeping works itself out too. Wishing you the best!