View Full Version : Please Help, really starting to FREAK!

09-16-2013, 07:23 AM
I have posted about a week ago with twitching symptoms in my hand. Only my left hand. I have talked to 2 online neurologist to ease my mind that I don't have MS. They have both assured me that my symptoms do not fit MS, however, they recommend that I see a neurologist to have an EMG done to rule out MS..just to ease my mind and to see if I have some nerve damage causing the twitching. Problem is I don't seem to get any reassurance from that. Why ? AND, now I have other symptoms that they have said would accompany MS, if I did have it. But, those only came after I saw what they said. I am scared, scared that I am going to die from some awful disease. This is paralyzing fear that interferes with raising my 3 kids. What can I do ? Any suggestions would help!


Olive Yew
09-16-2013, 11:37 AM
Okay so your brain can actually convince itself it has a disease and therefor start producing symptoms, even if you do not ACTUALLY have the disease. A friend of mine with anxiety issues was convinced he had Lou Gahrig's disease and his body started producing the side effects. He was placed on prozac and is fine now. No Lou Gahrig's. No more anxiety. He's fine. So I'd say try to relax and address your anxiety and see if the other symptoms go away.