View Full Version : My heart beat slows down hard?

09-15-2013, 09:16 PM
This has been freaking me out. I've gotten over my panic attacks not to long ago, and this took its place. It's usually when I'm inactive. My heart beat pounds out of my chest, but it's very slow. I sometimes hallucinate while this is happening. Is this something other than anxiety, like a heart condition?

09-15-2013, 09:27 PM
I don't hallucinate, but I do have a very slow resting heart rate and I can sometimes feel that it's slow and I don't like that feeling at all.

What is your actual heart rate when you feel it beating slowly? My resting heart rate is in the low 50's. At night, lying in bed, it drops down to the upper 40's. I don't feel it beating out of my chest, as you describe, but I can feel that it's slow, and sometimes I have to sit up or stand up to speed it up again.

There is a medical term for a slow heart rate and in some people it causes symptoms and needs treatment, in others it doesn't cause any symptoms. Hallucinating is not one of the symptoms though. It's more things like dizziness, weakness, fainting, shortness of breath etc.

Personally I think it's always good to have any heart issue checked out by a doctor. I'm sure you're fine though.

09-15-2013, 09:37 PM
By hallucinating, i mean more of vision change. It's a different hallucination i get for another reason. I get tunnel vision, and sometimes things will get brighter or darker. Beats are usually in the low 60s when i'm doing my normal daily stuff, and lt will sometimes get to the 40s when i'm sleeping. It's nice to know somebody else gets it.

Olive Yew
09-16-2013, 12:03 PM
By hallucinating, i mean more of vision change. It's a different hallucination i get for another reason. I get tunnel vision, and sometimes things will get brighter or darker. Beats are usually in the low 60s when i'm doing my normal daily stuff, and lt will sometimes get to the 40s when i'm sleeping. It's nice to know somebody else gets it.

This is Depersonalization. I get this ALL THE TIME!!!! It's part of anxiety. Best thing to do in these times is A) watch a movie. B) throw cold water on your face. C) Go for a walk and force yourself to admire the beauty of nature. Touch the trees and leaves. Smell flowers. Walk barefoot even. It makes your mind focus on REALITY instead of the panicked landscape that is your head. You may not FEEL anxious or panicked, but your subconscious brain thinks that it should be and that's what starts this. It can take time to go away and sometimes a good nights sleep is the only thing that will reset your subconscious. But it's not dangerous. I got a heart rate reader that I whip out at these times to show me that my heart is normal and healthy. It's my brain that's overreacting. Might help you too.