View Full Version : I have overcome anxiety, so you can too!

09-15-2013, 05:45 PM
My name is Hubert and just over two years ago I expirienced unexplained panic attack which left me with real bad case of anxiety dissorder. I had all kind of symptoms, you name it, I had it all, I would freak out with the smallest thing, diagnosing myself with all sorts of cancer, DVT, heart problems, MS etc,etc. My life was a living hell, there were day where I stayed in bed all day, days where I would go to hosptal to get checked, because I thought I was dying, days where I would just sit down and break down in teras, anger, sobbing for my NORMAL life back, demanding my NORMAL life back...I was convinced I hvae lost my NORMAL life forever. These two past years were a toughest, longest most challanging years of my life.
I am writing to ALL of YOU who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, I fell your pain, I understand, I know how you feel. But know one thing. YOU CAN BEAT THAT!
NEVER GIVE UP! It took me over two years so its not gonna happen overnight. Think positive, I know its hard but you gotta force yourself, hold on to your loved ones, spilll it out, its good to share your expiriences with someone, even if its on a forum, exercise! And try to lough at least once a day! With time its gonna be easier and easier to ignore all the symptoms, moods you are in and get on with LIVING YOUR LIFE THE GOOD OLD WAY!!! Trust me!

09-15-2013, 06:00 PM
right now i am having a hard time, i as well have days where i think i have all those problems. right now im having calf pain for 5-6 days now its not horrible pain just feels like a twitch or cramp so of course im scared of DVT im 24 but recently started sitting at a computer. Im freaked out and jst want to feel normal again about every little cramp i have. its sucks :( How did u get throught it. This is new for me probably only been dealing with physica symptoms of anxiety for 2months now but obvisouly had some anxiety before that.

any advice?

09-15-2013, 06:32 PM
Congrats Hubert, yesterday was my 1st year anniversary of developing my anxiety and I'm tons better, I look forward to how much calmer I hopefully be in another year. Time heals for sure.

09-15-2013, 08:53 PM
I've had anxiety since 2011 (right after my grandpa passed suddenly) and it is not going away... I feel as though it's just getting worse. I WAS having frequent panic attacks, but those have slowed down and it's just daily really bad anxiety now with occasional panic attacks, and all of the anxiety symptoms. It's frustrating because I was never like this until 2011. I was always very outgoing, bubbly, etc and now I'm such a different person. I long for the life I used to have.

09-16-2013, 07:02 AM
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Hubert!

I was always very outgoing, bubbly, etc and now I'm such a different person. I long for the life I used to have.

I understand what you're saying, sometimes I do too. imho, recovery starts only when we start accepting ourselves for the person we are now, not longing for someone we once were. Yes, it's hard, yes there are times I envy other people who don't experience what we do.. But pity and regret won't help, gratitude and positivity will. I am so excited to see every post where someone shares his/hers positive experience about how they overcame anxiety, it gives me hope that I'm on the right path :) Don't lose hope, MrsJ88! If others can break through this, with time we are going to do the same! x

Olive Yew
09-16-2013, 11:53 AM
Hubert's life was my life a month ago. I'm getting a lot better and I'm not using medication but i'm no where near perfect. I pretty much constantly have anxiety head aches (but i'll take that over the paralyzing fear any day!) Nights are the worst but I'm slowly getting better with those too. I don't know if Hubert did it without medication or not but I am. It's exhausting and some days I feel like I should just give in and start popping the pills but if Hubert can do it, so can I. Stay strong everyone. We're all in this together! At least we can all know that we aren't dying or going to die any time soon, we aren't crazy, and we CAN do it. We aren't broken either. Our brain's are just sensitive is all. :) I'm new here but I already love and support everyone here. Anxiety and depression and DP/DR sucks. And we deserve so much better than this. Keep fighting everyone!

09-17-2013, 01:29 AM
I posted on here to share with you to update my progress to show you that what you going through its not forever.
When I was on here before, when I had bad anxiety, I missed one thing on here, people's stories about how they got better. It was good to share and see that you are not the only one, but I did not come across any stories about users that have got better. I started to think that, this whole anxiety thing is a nevere ending story! And freaked even more. I totaly agree with Sparkling! MrsJ88 do not waste time on thinking about how outgoing and bubbly you were. Think how outgoing and bubbly you are going to be once you overcome anxiety! There is also a reward for overcoming anxiety, that other normal people never get. You will cherish your life more than ever before! And Olive Yew, you doing the right thing, staying of meds. I was very close of using meds but decided not to, withdraw symptoms may couse more anxiety.

09-17-2013, 01:33 AM
I posted on here to share with you to update my progress to show you that what you going through its not forever.
When I was on here before, when I had bad anxiety, I missed one thing on here, people's stories about how they got better. It was good to share and see that you are not the only one, but I did not come across any stories about users that have got better. I started to think that, this whole anxiety thing is a nevere ending story! And freaked even more. I totaly agree with Sparkling! MrsJ88 do not waste time on thinking about how outgoing and bubbly you were. Think how outgoing and bubbly you are going to be once you overcome anxiety! There is also a reward for overcoming anxiety, that other normal people never get. You will cherish your life more than ever before! And Olive Yew, you doing the right thing, staying of meds. I was very close of using meds but decided not to, withdraw symptoms may couse more anxiety.

Thank you... I will try to think more positively.

09-17-2013, 01:42 AM
You have to belive! You have to force yourself to be outgoing and you have to force yourself to ignore symotoms. I was thinking to myself I got so many tests done, have seen so many doctors. I have all these symptoms for so long, if that would be something serious or life threatening I probably would be dead by now, but I am not, so it must be anxiety and with time all these bad things started to fade away. Once you vist a doctor and they rule out all the things you worried about you will realise that it is just your brain playing tricks on you.
Find a hobby or go to gym, do something that will keep your mind busy! All the best and a speede recovery!

09-17-2013, 02:06 AM
You have to belive! You have to force yourself to be outgoing and you have to force yourself to ignore symotoms. I was thinking to myself I got so many tests done, have seen so many doctors. I have all these symptoms for so long, if that would be something serious or life threatening I probably would be dead by now, but I am not, so it must be anxiety and with time all these bad things started to fade away. Once you vist a doctor and they rule out all the things you worried about you will realise that it is just your brain playing tricks on you.
Find a hobby or go to gym, do something that will keep your mind busy! All the best and a speede recovery!

What were your symptoms?

09-17-2013, 02:59 AM
Rhar, visit my profile and read some of my old posts. Chest pain, heart palpitations, aches and pains in my arms abd legs, numb feeling as well (especially left side), stomach problems, diarrhoea, constipation, blood in stool, faint feeling, feeling of weaknes, light headlines, jelly legs, problems with balance, depersonalisation, depression, anger management problems, severe headaches. Thats the main one I remember quite well.