View Full Version : was anyone here able to overcome derealization?

09-15-2013, 03:25 PM

Did anyone in this forum was able to overcome derealization/depersonalization?
Helpi is greatly appreciated!:)

09-15-2013, 04:27 PM
I was able to overcome both by reading that both are symptoms of anxiety and hence can't physically hurt me. Now they don't bother me.

09-15-2013, 05:59 PM
Yes I was! After my stress let up and I started taking care of myself the derealization went away. I found that as long as I got good solid rest it stayed away. I was also taking a lot of magnesium.

09-15-2013, 06:38 PM
Mine lasted for a while when I first got anxiety and they just faded over time, took maybe a month or two for me to feel right again.

09-15-2013, 07:58 PM
Yes :)

What happened was, after a while, I managed to stop caring about it and then it would go away with longer and longer intervals to the point where if the thoughts and perspectives came up again, I wouldn't feel engaged in them. I think the breaks I got from derealisation eventually downgraded it to thoughts like all other thoughts and not actual perspectives anymore.

How I "stopped caring" about I can't tell you though.

09-15-2013, 08:49 PM
I mostly did. I had the short term kind. If you have it because of anxiety, it's short term. It will go away as soon as you stop caring/thinking about it. The long term one is from brain trauma and things like that. Really, the only thing you can do is let it pass. I know it's very hard to stop thinking about it, so do the opposite. Let the feelings pass. If you have short term, eventually you wont care and it will be all and done. For the most part, I've gotten rid of it, but sometimes it will come back and haunt me.

09-15-2013, 10:31 PM
Thank you all for replying!!!
Did you do anything else beside not caring? Like changing your diet etc.?

My DR came trough a time of total stress, anxiety and trauma during my exchange year! I am in theraphy now and changed my whole diet! It has been a year now and it's really hard for me to not care or get distracted. I am always caught in that worry cycle!

09-15-2013, 10:59 PM
Thank you all for replying!!!
Did you do anything else beside not caring? Like changing your diet etc.?

My DR came trough a time of total stress, anxiety and trauma during my exchange year! I am in theraphy now and changed my whole diet! It has been a year now and it's really hard for me to not care or get distracted. I am always caught in that worry cycle!

Diet is huge. , stick to a good diet. Also laugh !! Humor does the body and mind good !!!

09-16-2013, 12:47 AM

Did anyone in this forum was able to overcome derealization/depersonalization?
Helpi is greatly appreciated!:)

Ya buddy. I had it fkn bad super bad that I even got my eyes checked . The more u calm down n relax the faster it leaves. I did the opiside n it took forever

09-16-2013, 08:20 AM
Ok, I think I understand! Was ist constant in your guys case? My derealization is there all the time! But I can still overcome it right?

Olive Yew
09-16-2013, 11:28 AM
Best thing I do in my DP/DR moments is tell it "f you" and then talk to people. It's especially helpful if I go on a walk with said person and like.... Touch the trees and the leaves. Smell flowers. Walking barefoot helps too. It forces your mind to be a PART of the world instead of your world being the stressed out landscape of your mind. There's a forum post that I absolutely fell in love wit that's been helping me kill DP/DR AND my Anxiety. It's a slow process but it works... The guy who posted it is pretty funny too. Since I'm new, I cant post links yet but if you google search "The Holy Grail of Curing DpDr" the poster icon is of Gir and his user name is RenZimE. Tge website is called dpselfhelp.com