View Full Version : Anxiety durung/after eating.....

09-15-2013, 01:49 PM
Hi All,

Hoping for a bit of help.

I have started to suffer with anxiety/panic attacks during/after eating. It's always when I am with other people, but I'm usually okay if I'm at home with others. It even happens when I am at my Mum and Dads. I can be looking forward to my favourite meal but as soon as it is on the table in front of me I start to feel sick, clammy, faint. I suffer with IBS so I think it might be related to that It's starting to control my life. I am going on holiday with one of my best mate in 3 weeks and I don't want it to control my holiday. Do any of you guys know of any coping mechanisms that I might be able to use?

Many thanks x

09-15-2013, 02:33 PM
hello , its nice too know someone else gets these feelings when eating around others family or not and it really sucks! I am always better off eating alone and its so sad.. anyways I havents found and remedys too fix this yet but I do know its all an anxiety issue which is very hard