View Full Version : Getting so tired of this

09-14-2013, 08:47 PM
I don't know why but my pulse has been racing all day. Every time I eat it goes up to about 120 bpm. I've been doing a gluten free diet for the last several days to see if it would help my anxiety, and it has in general, but the anxiety with eating has gotten worse. Maybe it's because I'm thinking more about eating, which has become one of my triggers. I don't want to worry about it, and I'm not overly stressed out. I have been feeling a bit depressed today and just generally having a bit more worrisome thoughts, but nothing out of the unusual. I just keep thinking, maybe my digestive problems aren't anxiety, how would I know, but aside from the racing pulse there really isn't anything else bothering me physically. I just want to eat and not worry about it. Not eat and have to lie down because I'm bloated and nauseated and my pulse is going crazy. Blood pressure and blood sugar both tested out fine. Just the pulse. And I know it's just slightly elevated, but it gets so old and aggravating, you know. I try to do things around the house and I am panting and dizzy.

09-14-2013, 08:51 PM
I don't know why but my pulse has been racing all day. Every time I eat it goes up to about 120 bpm. I've been doing a gluten free diet for the last several days to see if it would help my anxiety, and it has in general, but the anxiety with eating has gotten worse. Maybe it's because I'm thinking more about eating, which has become one of my triggers. I don't want to worry about it, and I'm not overly stressed out. I have been feeling a bit depressed today and just generally having a bit more worrisome thoughts, but nothing out of the unusual. I just keep thinking, maybe my digestive problems aren't anxiety, how would I know, but aside from the racing pulse there really isn't anything else bothering me physically. I just want to eat and not worry about it. Not eat and have to lie down because I'm bloated and nauseated and my pulse is going crazy. Blood pressure and blood sugar both tested out fine. Just the pulse. And I know it's just slightly elevated, but it gets so old and aggravating, you know. I try to do things around the house and I am panting and dizzy.

I so know where your coming from, I'm the same way my pulse races for the littlest things I do I can make my sons bed and I can feel my pulse racing it is so annoying

09-14-2013, 09:06 PM
I just don't know why it doesn't stop. I am so over the anxiety. Not scared of it anymore. It comes on and I just settle in to ride it out. It's not like I'm freaking out anymore thinking I'm dying. I know my heart is fine. I've had it tested every way you can test it. Same with my stomach. Yeah, I had some issues earlier this year, but it's been taken care of. It should be all healed up now. I'm just tired of this thing being in my way and disrupting the things I want to do. We're all going to die, and I am not going to let anxiety get in the way of me living my life and enjoying it. It's like some annoying neighbor that just doesn't know when to go away. Or an ex who won't stop stalking me. I'm done with you anxiety, go away.

09-14-2013, 09:09 PM
I so know where your coming from, I'm the same way my pulse races for the littlest things I do I can make my sons bed and I can feel my pulse racing it is so annoying

I worry all day every day about my pulse , I try not to exert myself I. stopped doing alot of things that I used to do because I go straight into panic mode when my heart beats out of my chest:(

09-14-2013, 10:56 PM
Sad thing is, it's probably our worry and intense focus on our pulse that causes it to race.

09-14-2013, 11:18 PM
Sad thing is, it's probably our worry and intense focus on our pulse that causes it to race.

I think your right, our minds are always on wondering and worrying when it's gonna happen again:( I'm with you when you say your tired of it getting in the way of you living. I am so done and I always tell myself I'm not gonna let this anxiety take me down until something new or unexpected happens:( it's a vicious cycle

09-14-2013, 11:37 PM
I know I'm sick of my anxiety tonight I wish it would go away its pretty bad at the point of panic I feel tightness in my chest and it hurts I know it doesn't do any good to go to the emergency room cause its my anxiety that causes it and I just get scared to death I'm trying really hard and hoping it will pass soon cause I am just disoriented and my energy is gone...anyways best of luck hope you all get to feeling better and know we go through this more than once and we all make it to the next day.

09-15-2013, 02:12 AM
Anxiety at night is actually pretty common because night is usually when we do most of our over thinking. I actually just had to talk myself down from a panic attack haha. What I do is, when I start panicking about something, I ask myself what it REALLY is that's bothering me. More often than not, you'll find when your focus is one thing it's actually a completely different thing in disguise. You just gotta start telling your anxiety that whatever it is, you'll deal with it in the morning...IF you feel like it! ;)

09-15-2013, 04:22 AM
What were the issues with your tummy

09-15-2013, 11:18 AM
I had precancerous polyps removed from my stomach, and then one of the clips came lose two days later, causing me to hemorrhage internally.

09-15-2013, 03:13 PM
Your symptoms sound very much like mine. Like you I've had in the past 'unexplained' rapid heart rates when I've not felt anxious and this rapid heart rate has lasted for days at a time.

I say 'unexplained' because we both know that the explanation is anxiety. Anxiety is very clever in that you will often get the physical symptoms of anxiety when you don't feel anxious. Think of it like this, if anxiety is an over sensitised fight or flight response you would expect to have physical symptoms, rapid heart rate, heart palps etc, when you feel your most anxious. Trouble is for a lot of us our anxiety levels are constantly higher than the average person so what feels 'normal' to us would actually feel very anxious to a non anxiety sufferer. Furthermore because you would expect physical symptoms when you feel anxious you therefore don't expect them when you don't feel anxious but because we suffer from anxiety our fight or flight response is on a hair trigger and the slightest thing can set it off. As a result often the first thing we are aware of is a physical symptom which then makes us feel more anxious. It therefore seem that the physical symptoms are causing the anxiety which just reinforces our anxiety and perpetuates it. The thing to understand is that it's the anxiety that triggers the symptoms and often we are simply on a high alert for anxiety the whole time and we simply aren't that aware because it seems 'normal' to us.

When you get the rapid heart rate I expect that you become very aware of it. You check your pulse from time to time, you wonder when it will go back to normal, you start to worry it means something bad, you check your pulse some more, you perhaps avoid certain activities for fear of the strain it may place on your heart, you worry about your diet and whether you should change it etc etc. that's certainly what I used to do.

Unfortunately that's the worse thing you can do. You need to learn to ignore it. Trouble is if you tell someone to ignore something specific, they can't. Instead you need to completely occupy your mind with something else. I find closing my eyes and listening to the world around me and then describe to myself in the tiniest detail everything I can hear, smell, feel and do this for as long as you can. If you avoid taking exercise when you get a rapid heart rate, don't. Go for a run or something.

You may also find that doing something like dieting will help. This won't be because you have heart disease and loosing weight will the put less strain on your heart. Instead it will be because in your mind you are doing something proactive to cure the problem. If you then believe you are healthy you will be.