View Full Version : Help please!

11-24-2007, 02:13 AM
Hi. I am a 21 year old male and for about a week now I have had severe insomnia, and for the past four or five days very bad anxiety. I am at the point where I am so exhausted. I want to sleep but my body is just trembling and im getting bad muscle spasms as I almost reach sleep. If I was to go to the E.R or urgent care at a hospital would they be able to do anything for me? What do you all recommend I do? What will make this go away? Thanks.

11-24-2007, 03:49 AM
hello what i would do is go see your local doctor and get him to precribed you some thing Ive been given diazapan for my panic attacks which also helps to relax the muscle and helps you sleep i went onto antidepressant once and didnt sleep for three days and it really sucks

11-24-2007, 01:53 PM
I know how you are feeling jt56.

I agree with gavin, go see your doctor, he/she will put you on medication which will help relieve your anxiety and insomnia.

I went about 2/3 weeks without a proper nights sleep, thats until I saw my doctor, it will take time for the medication to get into your system, just give it time to start to work.

good luck