View Full Version : Heart rate in 60s

09-14-2013, 09:36 AM
Please answer. Since going to gym more my resting heart rate has come down to the. 60s. I know that's good but it scares me . Oddly enough I have been dizzy often. Is there a link???? What of if goes too low??? I'm on very low dose of beta blockers and I just read its dangerous to go over your target heart rate while exercising or you can over exert yourself which is very dangerous. What the heck are you supposed to do???

09-14-2013, 10:09 AM
I think you need to reduce the intensity of your exercise.

09-14-2013, 10:38 AM
That's just it its not intense. I do 2 miles on an eiptical machine and I am overweight. If I don't workout I keep gaining weight

09-14-2013, 11:34 AM
My resting heart rate is very low. It's in the low 50's. When I'm lying in bed it goes down to the high 40's. I am relatively fit and I exercise regularly, but I am not an athlete and I'm also not young! So this freaks me out a bit, even though I've had a lot of heart tests and the doctor isn't worried. (Obviously, I do not take Beta Blockers).

At any rate, regular exercise definitely lowers your resting heart rate and it is a sign of a healthy heart. The 60's is definitely NOT too low for a resting heart rate. However, you may not need the Beta Blockers anymore since they also lower your heart rate.

I would make an appointment to talk to your doctor.

09-14-2013, 11:34 AM
I exercise regularly and my heart rate at rest is in the low 60s. I have been on beta-blockers in the past and continued exercising where my heart rate dropped below 60 at rest. This scared me but rest assured it is not a medical problem. Beta-blockers are meant to reduce your heart rate which also reduces anxiety supposedly. My resting heart rate whilst in beta blockers was in the low 50s ! It didn't feel right and increases my anxiety as a result so I came off them. A no-win situation :-(

09-14-2013, 02:00 PM
Depending of the dose and the exact beta blocker it may take a few points off your pulse. Mine is 50ish because I've been a runner for over 30 years and my doc confirms it's from a strong and efficient heart/lungs. No worries. The young and fit often have pulses below 60. Alankay

09-14-2013, 02:03 PM
We fixate on numbers, worrying if ours are too high or too low, but those guildelines are a range, and it is perfectly fine to be anywhere in or near that range. If your heart rate is on the low side it is okay. It is still normal. Normal is good. Same if it is on the high side. It is still normal. And normal is good. The problem isn't the numbers, the problem is your fear.

09-14-2013, 03:53 PM
I guess with me still being dizzy I'm afraid ill pass out at any moment. Dang I hate this. I texted my doctor and she said heart rates in 60s were fine for me and that my target heart rate of 160-165 while exercising was ok for me even with being on beta blockers. Why can I believe this and LET IT GO!!! Please help me get they this I'm about to go insane. And I have drank water and powerade all day

09-14-2013, 04:15 PM
Now I'm at a normal Saturday night outing for me and my pulse is 95-97 what gives ?!?!?!? How can I stop feeling like me chest will explode and my insides are on vibrate? I am serious when I ask.... Do I need help ???? I mean like mental help??? How the heck can I let this go???

09-14-2013, 04:56 PM
This is what my anxiety revolves around. My heart. It's definitely hard to ignore but I promise you're ok. My doctor gives me Xanax and when my heart rate gets up I usually take one. I e also noticed if I eat something like fast food my heart rate jumps up. Normal people don't notice these things. Just us :-(

09-14-2013, 05:23 PM
I know. I was doing great today, and then something set me off. Not sure what. Now my pulse is 120 and I'm having to fight the anxiety. I know 120 is all right. Yes, its tachycardia, but I've had chocolate, coffee and have been active all day. Yet, the number is making me go coocoo for coacoa puffs because my subconscious brain insists that I am about to have a heart attack and croak. Actually, I do know what's set me off. I've had IBS for three days and keep thinking maybe it's cancer, so everytime I eat I get scared, and I had some Doritos.

09-14-2013, 05:30 PM
I have the same issues with anxiety and my pulse. It is awful although I recently got an app called calm.com and it has guided meditation. When my pulse gets high I will do one of the meditations and it will bring my pulse back down to normal. I'm not sure if this will help you but it has helped me tons:) it also helps with the vibration feelings in my chest !