View Full Version : Heart palps driving me crazy...

09-14-2013, 02:38 AM
PAC / PVC heart palps driving me crazy!!! Anybody get them ??

09-14-2013, 03:53 AM
I think we all get them. It's from the adrenaline. Your sympathetic nervous system is trying to speed your heart up. Your parasympathetic nervous system is trying to bring it back down to normal. As the rate of your heart beat adjusts, it fills up with a bit too much blood and you feel a THUD sensation in your chest. Sometimes a whole bunch of them, as the two different systems try to do their jobs, speeding up and slowing down your heart rate. It's harmless, but it feels horrible, and if you have a heart phobia, can cause more anxiety.

09-14-2013, 06:19 PM
I think we all get them. It's from the adrenaline. Your sympathetic nervous system is trying to speed your heart up. Your parasympathetic nervous system is trying to bring it back down to normal. As the rate of your heart beat adjusts, it fills up with a bit too much blood and you feel a THUD sensation in your chest. Sometimes a whole bunch of them, as the two different systems try to do their jobs, speeding up and slowing down your heart rate. It's harmless, but it feels horrible, and if you have a heart phobia, can cause more anxiety.

This is what freaks me out, how can a feeling of such be normal? If ur trying to speed up and slow down at the same time is this dangerous? I guess I know what it is I just can't mAke myself "understand" it's ok?!?!? Does that make a lick of sense? I just need reassurance

09-14-2013, 06:29 PM
Actually, your heart rate adjusts all day long, depending on mood and activity levels, even whether you have to pee or you sneeze or laugh. Most people do not feel these thumps, but we are extremely tuned in to our heartbeats, so we notice them. Your heart probably does it hundreds of times a day that you don't notice because you are involved in something else. The bad thing is, we get upset and we start tuning into these bodily sensations, and then add fear to that, making it all seem so much worse because our brains are jacked up on adrenaline. Adrenaline, remember, is the chemical that gives people super strength in times of crisis, but it does the same to our brains, making our thoughts and our senses much more heightened. That huge thud you feel is actually a little thump amplified by fear-heightened nerves.

09-14-2013, 09:34 PM
I have had no problems for almost three weeks, all of the sudden the flutters came back??? They started right when I laid down to go to bed one night? They rarely happen during the day, it seems to happen at bedtime when I lay down? Then, after I sleep, this may sound funny, but when I wake up to go to the bathroom, I am a guy, when I go back to bed, my heart starts racing and/or I get the flutters???? I am guilty often times, of when I get up to go to the bathroom, talking to myself, saying, "I wonder if the flutters are coming back?" Does this happen to anyone? In the past, I had chest pains with flutters, but this time it has only been flutters. Makes me so mad!!!!

09-14-2013, 09:46 PM
I get flutters at night but it's usually only when I lie on my side though. It use to freak me out when it started two years ago (when my anxiety started). My doctor said because of anxiety I am just more aware of feelings and heartbeats etc.

I'm just figure im still here so I try not to pay attention (or start googling because that just make it worse. !!) I do feel them several nights a week though so it's nerve wracking !