View Full Version : Why Do I Feel Like I Cannot Do Life???

09-13-2013, 02:24 PM
I don't know how to explain it. When I was at school everything was, do this do that. Although I hated the people there I didn't feel like I do now. Now that I've left and am on my own I feel kinda like I cannot cope with doing everyday things that people do, I'm kinda scared. I just don't like it all.

I mean it's bad enough now having anyone their to support you, because I basically had no friends at school and now I finished college I only had two friends and they're either at uni or in a job. I want to get a job and found one I wouldn't mind doing to start off with but I always come over with a feeling that something bad is going to happen. I don't like traveling far away from my house.

Now only that, I feel that because I never really met any decent girls or friends at school, I'm never going to meet anyone else again my age because everyone in a job are older. I mean, it's computing... Very little girls do computing jobs.

It's hard to describe how I'm feeling, it's like an empty, down feeling right now. Like I'm always going to be like this and worry all the time. It's even more annoying to see people out there enjoying their lives, although that's probably selfish of me to say that. I just feel like I'm always going to be in this predicament. :(

09-13-2013, 03:21 PM
I feel just like u..I have for 4 months now...and ya it hurts bad...to see people enjoying their lives..I have 2 boys 4 and 5 and their in school and growing and I am setting here crying cuz my brains nit work ing

09-14-2013, 12:25 AM
I have been where you are at and I can promise you things do get better. It takes time and it takes effort but you can over come all of this just like many have. Maybe write a list of some action steps to that will help you change your future. I know its hard to be social and out going when you suffer with anxiety but just get out there and try some new things im sure you will make friends. Sign up for some kind of club or take a yoga or cooking class. Maybe talk to a professional about how your feeling. I know some people are opposed to that but it helps to vent and get some outside perspective. Things may be tough for you right now but it's nothing compared to some people in this world. I know anxiety is hell and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But at least your not starving in a third world country with no food, clean water, health care, or shelter. I know we all get down sometimes but just try to look ahead and imagine a bright future. Imagine what it would look like and work towards that. Don't let your dreams be dreams.

09-14-2013, 08:30 AM
Ya I wake up every morning panicking...wondering how I gonna make it thru the day...I been on leave of absence for a month and half..now I supposed to go back to work Monday...and I already freaking out...