View Full Version : Freaking out with weird symptoms

Dan Medz
09-12-2013, 10:46 PM
I'm writing this more for a bit of reassurance or someone who can relate. I know what I'm experiencing is pretty much going to end up being due to anxiety but I've had anxiety and panic attacks a long long time (25yrs) and never had these particular symptoms from it and they have me really worried. And the cycle of panic begins yet again.

First this started with my right thigh twitching on it's own, then my eyelid, then my other leg and calf and pretty soon I had body wide twitching after a month which has got worse. I feel weak in the limbs but not clinically weak. I upped my magnesium and put it down to stress. Now recently I'm waking up with numb dead fingers and arms with no feeling at al in them until the painful pins and needles come and feeling slowly returns as I move around. Today I had this along with my upper lip and side of face feeling numb which was really scary! Mumbling my words. Feeling returned after 10mins of having a panic attack over it thinking I was having a stroke or something. My blood pressure lately is 165/70 despite being on blood pressure medication which usually controls it well at 130/70. Resting HR has been up to 100 all week. Just wanted to know if others have experienced increased incidents of waking with numbness during times of heightened anxiety or anything like this with the involuntary twitching? Would help calm me down. I don't want to end up going to the ER in the night for nothing. Been there done that many times.

09-12-2013, 11:07 PM
Hey Dan, I experienced the same thing before. It turns out that I was having so much trouble falling asleep due to anxiety and worry that when I finally did, I was lying in the same position all night without moving. So, I would experience the numbness, pins and needles until I got up moving about to get the circulation going again. It sounds like you might be experiencing exhaustion and fatigue due to anxiety and worry and something similar might be happening to you, especially if the sensations dissipate after moving about. The twitching sounds like it could be either a pinched nerve or muscle spasms. At any rate, I'd just make an appointment with your doctor if it persists. Doesn't sound like anything serious enough to go to the ER for, even if it is stressful. Try not to get yourself too worked up. It's best just to see your doc if you need reassurance that it's nothing serious. Best of luck to you. Hope you feel better soon. Maybe you could have someone look in on you periodically one evening while you sleep to make sure your not staying in one position all night. Even if you aren't, anxiety can certainly still cause some of these symptoms. Take care. -Jeff.

Dan Medz
09-12-2013, 11:21 PM
Thanks Jeff. That does actually sound about right since I have had extreme insomnia due to anxiety lately. I have a docs appointment in a few days so will wait until then. It's the face being numb that concerned me the most since I didn't sleep on my face.. I live alone so am always paranoid something terrible will happen like a heart attack or stroke and no one will be there to help. I can usually calm myself down with logic but today it took a while. Appreciate the response.

09-12-2013, 11:25 PM
I have woken up with numb face and head.. it's from sleeping in one position too long. . Its only normal for circulation to be bonded.. nothing to worry bout

Dan Medz
09-12-2013, 11:33 PM
That helps a lot Laura. Just couldn't figure the connection out and never had it before.

I have a burning, sunburn sensation on the muscles that twitch also. Someone else was saying the body wide twitches and muscle pain for long periods of time are synonymous with BFS (Benign fascicultation syndrome) which is interesting. I'll have to look that up.

09-12-2013, 11:34 PM
Even if you're not sleeping on your face, the nerve network is all interconnected. If you were having a heart attack or stroke, you'd definitely know it. The sensations wouldn't go away. With a stroke, you'd likely experience paralysis, not just twitching or uncomfortable pins and needles or numbness sensations. I'm saying this to give you reassurance that it doesn't sound like anything serious or life-threatening. If you've had insomnia, I'd almost bank on it being related to exhaustion and sleeping in a single position for a long period of time. Try to relax. There are some really good muscle relaxation videos on YouTube that guide you through tensing and releasing different muscle groups from head to toe. These work really well for me and they're very relaxing and reassuring.

09-12-2013, 11:59 PM
That helps a lot Laura. Just couldn't figure the connection out and never had it before.

I have a burning, sunburn sensation on the muscles that twitch also. Someone else was saying the body wide twitches and muscle pain for long periods of time are synonymous with BFS (Benign fascicultation syndrome) which is interesting. I'll have to look that up.

I know it's hard to not think the worst.. but we need to have rationalized thoughts

Dan Medz
09-13-2013, 12:19 AM
A seemingly endless struggle. :) If something is possible to be caused by anxiety that's mostly all I need to know to calm me down somewhat because about 99% of the time it is anxiety related with me. Anyway thanks again. You guys are the best.