View Full Version : Need advice for my health anxiety

09-12-2013, 08:09 PM
Has anyone ever had that feeling when you see someone battling a certain disease you wonder if you might have it or might develop it? I came across someone dying of Hodgkin's lymphoma and I had to look up its symptoms to make myself feel better. I mean that's not normal. Every time I see an article with the word "cancer" I freak out and I think of a billion possibilities. Every headache I have it's with the brain, every spot on my body is something serious, every ache it's I don't know what, even breast tenderness when I might be PMSing I think it's something more serious.. it's not healthy.

I know one of the best things to do is stop googling stuff but I can't help it. I want to stop but idk how. Anyone know what I can do to put my mind at ease? Although I saw my doc and had a blood and urine test a few months back and everything is ok but I still feel like something is going to happen to me.

I'm 90% convinced that I have tinnitus as a result of my anxiety but there might be more to it. There's obviously a good chance nothing is wrong with me other than my stupid anxiety and tinnitus but I'm not sure what else to do.. any advice would be very helpful right now.

09-12-2013, 08:34 PM
I can totally relate to you 100%. I have health anxiety and think all of those same things! I don't have much advice except, don't google... I know it's hard not to but you have to stop.

09-12-2013, 10:42 PM
I can totally relate to you 100%. I have health anxiety and think all of those same things! I don't have much advice except, don't google... I know it's hard not to but you have to stop.

Yeah i'm gonna have to try my best, thank you.