View Full Version : Stomach issues very disturbing!!!

09-12-2013, 07:00 PM
Does anyone else suffer from sever reflux, chest esophagus pain, lump in throat, right side abdominal pain, severe pain below sternum, lots of diarrhea? Please share your stomach issues and notate whether you feel they are anxiety related or something else. Thanks :)

09-12-2013, 07:10 PM
I get lump in my throat and a lot of heartburn. Some days I've got diarrhoea and others I can't go at all. I'm assuming its anxiety as I've had loads of tests done and nothing's coming back.

09-12-2013, 07:25 PM
I go tomorrow to stomach divot and line up an ensdoscope where they put light down throat. I had one in 2008 and all was well. Now I've got my nerves so jacked up I'm sure my stomach is on an acid roller coaster

09-12-2013, 07:31 PM
Ah bless you. I'm sure everything will be fine again, but your right to get it checked if your worried. Let us no how you get on. Try not to worry so much as you no what to expect its got to be horrible but it'll be all worth it to put your mind at rest a little :-)

09-12-2013, 07:45 PM
Yes I'm ready to have this behind me. I'm on two stomach pills a day . I'm ready to feel well again and stop being so sick feeling with my stomach all the time

09-12-2013, 10:08 PM
Curious, Blessed, are you of western european descent? Many people have an intolerance to gluten, especially people of western european descent, welsh, scottish, irish. Gluten is the protein in wheat, and people who are intolerant of it suffer from a lot of stomach issues as well as neurological problems, like depression, anxiety and brain fog. I have recently begun to suspect that I am gluten intolerant and have eliminated it from my diet. Today is my first day gluten free. We'll see if it helps my issues. I am Scots-Irish, by the way. I posted a thread about it that no one seemed to give much attention too, but I am especially struck by how many people on this forum are describing the symptoms of gluten intolerance.

09-12-2013, 11:49 PM
Yes, I have a lot of these same things. The right side abdominal pain makes me wonder if you are having issues with your gall bladder. Have you had it checked? When it acts up or you have gall stones, it can be a pretty miserable experience. It can cause a lot of the things you are describing. Hope you feel better soon. -Jeff

09-13-2013, 08:29 AM
I need to read up on gluten as I'm not too familiar with what it does exactly but thank you for your advice!! I had my gallbladder out 11 years ago but I still gave pains in the same area. And it lasts for days and days. If I eat anything I better be near a bathroom within 5-30 minutes of eating or I'm in trouble. And the reflux is almost unbearable sometimes.

09-13-2013, 02:50 PM
I have a thread with a lot of basic information here:


I urge you to read it. In just two days of eliminating gluten from my diet, eating lots of meat and veggies, my anxiety has noticeably decreased. I am also thinking much more clearly, not so foggy in the head. We'll see after a few weeks. I tend to have two or three good days, then two of three bad days. I want to make sure my dietary change isn't just coinciding with my "good day" cycle. I am encouraged, though.