View Full Version : Hypochondria run amok??

09-12-2013, 06:28 PM
Hi, I'm new here. Sorry if I do anything wrong!!
So I'm an obsessive-compulsive/depressed person with a fear of dying and some (typically minor) anxiety issues. I've had a few bad attacks, but nothing too awful. My depression and OCD are usually the worst of it. But since the week university started, I've been super anxious all the time with a lot of it manifesting in hypochondria. A few days before school started, I had trouble falling asleep (jolting awake). I chalked it up to anxiety and was able to fall asleep normally again soon. Then I'd wake up with "numbness"--or perceived numbness, I'd feel as if I was numb but I could still feel things just fine and wasn't experiencing discoloration. I worried I had a heart condition for a few days. Then it was stomach cancer (I'd been experiencing a lack of appetite, fullness, feeling my stomach for bumps that I'm pretty sure are just fatty tissue, etc). Then it was anxiety about lymphoma. I gradually gained my appetite back, but now it's a fear of a brain tumor. I'll get tingling sensations in my head and body parts (like goosebumps, not so much like pins and needles). I'll feel like my hands aren't working properly (though they essentially are) and I'll experience moments where I feel distant from the world around me, and vision troubles (mostly from being nearsighted). I haven't had headaches really, but the worry is still there.

The attacks manifest like symptoms too, and usually in class so I'll feel trapped. Typical attacks usually occur when I perceive a "symptom" and my body panics more and more and develops more "symptoms." For instance, in class the other day I was worried my vision was screwing up when it just seemed to be eye strain from the lighting in the room. As the class dragged on, my head would start to feel heavy or my face muscles would feel stiff and I'd begin to panic about a brain problem or potentially fainting. My symptoms usually ebb away once I'm home, where I tend to feel most calm. I also feel a lot of dread hanging over me lately.

I'm in a sort of stressful situation. I have a lot of responsibility at home, lots of work from school, plus a new part-time job. I feel like I'm constantly in a sea of depression or worry or discomfort, and worst of all constant thoughts that I'm going to die. It's hard to even think of comforting things because I'll think "I'm probably going to die of some random ailment soon, so what's the point?" It's driving me nuts and I don't know if I should be legitimately scared or not.

I'm sorry for dragging on, but this has been driving me nuts for weeks! If it helps to know, I'm on a 10mg celexa daily medication schedule. I really don't know if any of this is normal, or if there's something seriously wrong with me, or what to even do! (also my parents are getting fed up with my constant discovery of new "symptoms"). Can anybody relate??

09-12-2013, 06:38 PM
I definitely relate. This past month I've had a blood clot, sepsis, throat cancer , mouth cancer and ludwigs angina. I currently can't sleep as I must have sepsis as I feel hot. I'm worse at home especially bed time when I'm on my own. I'm terrified of sleep as for some reason I'm convinced I will die in my sleep. All I can suggest is a visit to your doctors and try and relax more. I've had loads of tests done this past month but I've convinced myself they must be wrong as they can't find anything. I'm sure it will get easier for you once you get settled into your new routine :-)

09-12-2013, 06:56 PM
When you hear other people say it, it sounds ridiculous, but I am the same way!! I have been having a heart attack for about 5 years now, I thought I had a blood clot from birth control, skin cancer from a weird spot on my arm, a stroke for sure! Brain tumor? Clogged artery? You name it! Lol or that I'm just losing my mind..

09-12-2013, 07:07 PM
I blame google it's killed me off so many times. I really do feel for you people that have had this along time. It's been 4 weeks for me and I'm close to breaking point. You are all very strong people :-)

09-12-2013, 07:40 PM
I blame google it's killed me off so many times. I really do feel for you people that have had this along time. It's been 4 weeks for me and I'm close to breaking point. You are all very strong people :-)

It's exhausting for sure... Some things that have helped me is talking about it instead of just dwelling, and I have an app on my phone.. When I feel an attack coming I put in my head phones or go in my room and listen to it.. It talks you down. Sounds silly but it really works! Lol

09-12-2013, 08:02 PM
What is the app?

09-12-2013, 10:00 PM
It's not just google. It's Facebook, Huffington Post, BBC News, constant television commercials for the latest prescription drugs, the evening news, newspapers, magazines. It's no wonder there is an epidemic of anxiety in our culture right now, because the media is force feeding us doom and gloom every time we turn around. I have actually gotten rid of my ipad simply because I do not need a 24 hour doom feed running directly into my brain. I was really addicted to it, and constantly reading. I did not intentionally read upsetting articles, but you cannot help but see it. You go on Facebook to talk to a friend and there are fifty stories in your newsfeed about war, abused and neglected pets, the government is poisoning you, so and so just died, and on and on and on. It's like that everywhere you look. For my own mental health, I am restricting the amount of media I am exposing myself to. I do not need to know that some poor kid died of the black plague in Afghanistan. I do not need to read conspiracy theories about flouride in the drinking water, or the health hazards of chemtrails. It's just too much. I was on that thing for hours and hours a day. A medical article about some bacterial infection is what started this whole ordeal for me. I read it, then was scared I had caught it, then worried about the incubation period of it for three weeks until I started having anxiety attacks. It's too much, and you should examine how much time you all are spending on the internet. Even if you avoid upsetting articles, you are still seeing the headlines and storing them subconsciously, and they are in bold and often very misleading about the actual content of the article. Huffpost is really bad about that.

09-12-2013, 10:46 PM
It's exhausting for sure... Some things that have helped me is talking about it instead of just dwelling, and I have an app on my phone.. When I feel an attack coming I put in my head phones or go in my room and listen to it.. It talks you down. Sounds silly but it really works! Lol

I tend to play puzzle games on my phone if I can. It's nice to focus my brain on something challenging but still fun. Plus if it's linked to facebook I tend to feel more connected to people in a weird way...

09-13-2013, 12:00 AM
I just had a great laugh reading some of the posts in this thread. I know it's not funny in real life, but when you put it like that, it really is hilarious to read. A 5-year heart attack, etc. Oh, the things our anxious minds buy into. I think most of us can relate. And it's good therapy if we could all just step back and laugh at ourselves from time to time. Thank you for this.

09-13-2013, 12:05 AM
I just had a great laugh reading some of the posts in this thread. I know it's not funny in real life, but when you put it like that, it really is hilarious to read. A 5-year heart attack, etc. Oh, the things our anxious minds buy into. I think most of us can relate. And it's good therapy if we could all just step back and laugh at ourselves from time to time. Thank you for this.

I find u in all my replies lol

09-13-2013, 12:08 AM
Sound like typical signs of beginning anxiety.. these are minor symptoms.. I had this 2 years ago.. just a little advice, get help now.. don't wait.. or u will b a screw head like me.. I can't have any pain without panicking. Get help soon love! !