View Full Version : Question for Anxious Women...

11-22-2007, 02:21 PM
anyone have experienced missing a period from so much stress? I just got married and everything seemed ok anxiety wise but then on my honeymoon I started to freak out. My mom had to go into emergency which added to my anxiety while I was away. I usually get a lot of anxiety right around my period and I thought that was it, just the PMS, but now my period was late and it came but it is almost non-existent which most wouldn't complain about but I have never had a missed period. I am not pregnant for sure. I think my partner would have a problem with that! Can this be the stress? I am depressed because I feel like now I have nothing to do since planning my wedding is over....so this may be causing the depression. but not having my period is freaking me out and I am thinking I have cancer or something now which I know is most likely not true, but my mind is playin tricks on me....how can I fix this?

11-24-2007, 08:36 AM
Yes, stress has a huge effect on our menstrual cycles. It is common to miss a period or have a very light period during stressful times in our lives.
You were probably also lacking sleep, not eating properly, and running around like crazy making last minute preparations for your wedding.
It wouldn't hurt to make an appointment with your Ob Gyn, even if just for reassurance.

Best of luck.