View Full Version : side pains when breathing not going away

09-11-2013, 06:13 PM
Usually when I get a pain when I breathe it goes away, but this time when it comes back it stays longer. It's been on and off since Monday. It's Thursday here where I live. Is this an anxiety symptom? I know shortness of breath is, but not this sharp pain in my lungs. I don't want to see the doctor just to be told that it's stress. I've had many of those.

09-11-2013, 08:02 PM
I wouldn't recommend avoiding the doctor because the doubts and 'what-ifs' will play on your mind but the best way to figure it out is to put yourself in situations where you are busy and focused (hopefully with other people) and take the thought of having the pain off of your mind. When you next have it, think about what you were doing when you didn't have it, if it was a serious health issue you would be feeling it during different parts of your day, not just when it's on your mind. At one point I was getting pains in my toes and fingertips and was convinced it was something seriously wrong but after being told the chances of it being related are extremely unlikely it made feel more at ease and they slowly vanished as I stopped worrying about it. I hope you figure it out.