View Full Version : Feeling it again

09-11-2013, 03:44 PM
I'm feeling anxiety again how the hell can docs just say its anxiety when there isn't a yet for it dizzy short of breaths headache tiredness n lump in the throat

09-11-2013, 03:50 PM
I get everything you've just listed and I thought it was just me with the lump in my throat, so that's calmed me a little. I no what you mean and I think our anxiety is made worse as anxiety doesn't feel like a diagnosis and when you feel as poorly as it makes you feel it just convinces us that they must be wrong. I wouldn't wish feeling like this in my worst enemy

09-11-2013, 04:00 PM
How can docs prove its anxiety? Just palm me off with tablets I feel like I'm forgetting to breathe n then panic that if I don't I will die I struggle with it at night time too and I'm at the point now where I'm constantly scared that I'm gonna Die and I feel like no one understands I have mucus and the feeling of a lump in ma throat

09-11-2013, 04:09 PM
Yeah I no I've only been like this 4 weeks and it started because the doctor told me I had a virus to me I knew there was something else, I have never felt so ill in all my life and the fear is taking over. Sleep is major to me but won't come as I convince myself I won't wake up. I'm scarce of meds in case they mask something serious and no one will pick it up. I won't take parecetemol incase it takes away my imaginary temperature. I love this forum and it is helping me as I don't feel so alone anymore. As for doctors I really feel they are useless I had one laugh at me because of my symptoms like they weren't real. I can't wait go start my cbt but for my area I'm number 43 in the queue so could be a while lol :-)

09-11-2013, 08:38 PM
Part of it is that longing to be told you have a health problem and it can be fixed easily. I put off seeking medical professionals for quite awhile and deep down I think I knew it was because I was going to be told it's anxiety/depression related. It is definitely much easier to hang onto it being a serious health issue that can be fixed then it is a mental health issue that will take a long time to get past and also effect who you are.