View Full Version : Chest pains help please anyone

09-11-2013, 03:29 PM
It's been ages since I last posted I think I defiantly don't post as much as I used to. But at the moment I've had quite a good day done lots been out on my own now I'm in bed my chest is hurting its in the centre and its a little further up from my heart I'm scared :( it's sore and making me anxious

09-11-2013, 03:40 PM
I'm in exactly the same position. Just try to tell yourself it will pass. I'm sure you've had it happen before and you've been fine. It's really scary at bed time for me. I'm sorry your feeling like this but you are definitely not alone and it will pass :-)

09-11-2013, 03:42 PM
Thanks it is hard. I'm 4 months pregnant as well since being preg I've been really on edge and any little pain I freak

09-11-2013, 03:46 PM
Ah bless you I'm not surprised your anxiety is bad as your not just worrying about yourself at the min. Congratulations though and if you get too worried get it checked. But I'm sure it's just anxiety as I get this almost every night at bedtime. Night time is lonely when everyone is asleep :-/

09-11-2013, 05:00 PM
Thanks it is hard. I'm 4 months pregnant as well since being preg I've been really on edge and any little pain I freak

Congrats on the future little one.

Chest pains were the worst. When I felt them, I never thought it was a muscle spasm. Always a stroke or heart attack in my mind.

We think the worst and then we react to our initial doomed thoughts with panic or anxiety, which just makes the symptoms even stronger.

Where the mind goes, energy flows, and the results are soon to show.

When you feel those chest pains and tightness, dismiss it right away as anxiety. You have felt them enough that logically, you know they are harmless pains of anxiety.

How many times do we need to feel the same thing and get the same harmless result before we stop believing the mind's tricks?

09-11-2013, 05:21 PM

I too get the chest pain. Right now my feels like its taking my breath away like my chest is squashed. I get so paranoid all the time and always think a heart attack is looming. Defo horrible and if anyone has tips let me know

09-11-2013, 08:11 PM
i get chest pain like my muscle is fluttering or spasming or just plain sore but doesnt hurt to take a breath. Its near sternum, though one doc told me it was anxiety I still worry about it. It comes and goes throughout the day mostly a sore feeling. I think you will be fine but since you are prego u could always get it checked out to be on the safe side. just try and relax because stress isnt good for a baby~ :)