View Full Version : my panic attacks don't feel like I dying..

09-11-2013, 02:19 PM
My feel like I like going crazy...in no way like I am dying...anyone else..I love my kids more then the world and I don't treat them different..but inside I feel like I dint want to take care of my self..and then I have panic attacks where I feel like I need to go mental hos...I have no longer interest in anything...but my kids...hanging in there for them...each day...:_( my babies

09-11-2013, 02:38 PM
I've got a nine year old and never had anxiety til a month ago. I do feel like I'm gonna die. I'm trying my best not to let it affect my relationship with my son but it is. I'm so lucky I have my husband, who is doing fab and taking over a bit. I couldn't imagine doing this on my own I'm constantly in fear and once my sons at school or in bed I feel like I'm having a mini breakdown. You sound like you are doing an amazing job to me holding it together. You should be proud you are stronger than you no :-)

09-11-2013, 03:20 PM
I really do think at some point all moms go tnrough this.

09-11-2013, 03:57 PM
All day I cry and panic...well boys are at school...I am bones...my job really wants me back but I just feel werid it of it..scared

09-11-2013, 04:13 PM
Work might help you. But I no what you mean as soon as mines out the door in the morning I feel a mess emotionally it's really hard doing this. I hope yours passes quickly

09-11-2013, 04:21 PM
Those ones are rough. I had those, instead of the traditional 'IM DYING!!!!!!' Ones.

But... Just treat them like a normal panic attack. Feeling crazy, is kinda part of their show, it's what they do. When they come on, or if they last ages... Remind yourself they are just a normal part of the condition, and tackle them with the SAME cognitive strategies you tackle all panic attacks with, and you will be fine!

09-11-2013, 06:11 PM
Awhhh..thanks..Jess and pa..I just feel off and I haven't learned any techniques...I am on Zoloft genetic 75mg and clonazepam. What helped u Jess? Are u on meds

09-11-2013, 06:14 PM
These ones suck..I.scared to go to work and everyone looks at me already cuz I so thin...just hate this

09-11-2013, 06:26 PM
I went through the whole psychiatric system in London. Felt so crazy, I assumed I needed to be there. Wasn't nice, but I got free lunch for 8 weeks and a lift home by a nurse at the end of the day.

Then I was having so much fun one day, I felt totally normal for about 6 hours. Forgot all about anxiety. I realised I can't have been crazy, as I wasn't crazy then, and felt a bit silly about it all. That realisation made me think, what if this happens whilst I'm with friends again, and I felt bad, and as I did, the feeling of craziness came over me. I realised it was 100% a panic attack, and felt a little better about it. Learnt cbt coping methods for anxiety attacks, and wrote down a short reassuring statement 'I am fine. I am strong, I am handling this'. Each time more and more forcefully, untill i was breathing the words into my stomach. Must have said it more times than I blinked for about 3 months. Started to believe it, felt calmer. Then it went away, that was years ago, and its never come back.

I was on a dose of antidepressant, yes. Although I was on it before the panic attacks started. It will go if you learn the right techniques and do a relaxation exercise everyday :)

09-11-2013, 06:49 PM
Was it scary in there..do u think the meds helped u..

09-11-2013, 06:53 PM
So what did they diagnose u with in there..how old u

09-11-2013, 07:02 PM
So what did they diagnose u with in there..how old u

I was 21 :) gonna be 3 years ago next month. I might get a cup cake or something to mark the day.

I was diagnosed with extreme anxiety, PTSD, depression, OCD and panic syndrome.

It was very, very scary yes. But, the mind is amazing, it finds ways to cope and get through things. I feel extremely strong because of it. It made a benchmark in my life. Little things don't bother or scare me as much anymore.. ( except spiders!!!)

The meds did help, but I didn't know about mental exercises then. I just made everything worse by getting worked up and fatalistic over everything. If somebody had amazon'd me a book on cbt, I would have got better in half the time, and probably without the trips to clinics. You live, you learn.

09-11-2013, 07:19 PM
Jess! Are u in meds still...and if not how long where u on them and how long did it take u to get off..also what kind of meds..I am on Zoloft and clonazepam..your making me feel lil better

09-11-2013, 07:28 PM
I was on mirtazipine for 2 years. I'm not on them now, no. Stopped them after about A year and three quarters and used a few months to taper off. I think the meds alone didn't get me better. Learning to handle my thoughts stopped the attacks. You can google and find all you need. That AND the meds has an extremely high success rate. You do that, and commit to it, and put some time in to changing your mental habits, which aren't that hard,then I bet you £1000 to your dollar that you aren't suffering this in a years time.

If you wanna get a book, the anxiety and phobia work book is really good, and so easy. Follow it, and you'll be better pretty soon.

It often feels like it won't go, and that its terrifying, and unique, and lonely, but... It isn't, not really. It just feels that way for a little while. Then one day you wake up, and you barely remember it all.

09-11-2013, 08:50 PM
U really made me feel good..at the moment and when I feeling bad I gonna read everything u.woke me..I mean it..that's Jess!!!!