View Full Version : strange muscle symptoms? anyone?

09-11-2013, 07:32 AM
Ive woken up with a numb arm twice in the past month or so. Also getting wierd flutterly muscle pains in right side of chest thats been going on a month. Sore arms and legs shoulder but it changes like every other day! :( Last month 1/2 ago i couldnt swallow for like a month without chest pain, doc told me it was anxiety and my esophagus muscles tensing up and slowly went away. Aslo having tmj pain in my right ear but also the back on my neck near my skull hurts. Is this anxiety!? HELP i feel like i have something crazygoing on with my muscles.

09-11-2013, 08:25 AM
Doesn't sound crazy, sounds normal for anxiety ;)

09-11-2013, 09:10 AM
mlj86 -- i cant just get it to fully go away and thats whats so frustrating. Its for the most part constant but does come and go and not necessarily when im anxious but i get anxious when i feel it. Im sure its anxiety but cant help but focus on the 2month long pain. Ive never had an 'attack' though its more constant symptoms. is this normal

09-11-2013, 09:17 AM
Yes, as I'm typing this now I am having muscle issues in my shoulder and my neck from not sleeping properly, my shoulders are about up to my ears at the constant. I've had anxiety/panic attacks and I've had the constant physical symptoms. Trust me when I tell you, if you've gone to the doctor and they've said it's anxiety related, that's exactly what it is.

09-11-2013, 09:56 AM
It is very important to have your vitamin D3 level checked.
These symtoms are typical of vitamin D3 deficiency.

Dan Medz
09-11-2013, 10:07 AM
I have these same symptoms of sore muscles in various places and also muscle twitches which began in the side of my head (Done an MRI and nothing but sinusitis showed up.. which is weird because I have no symptoms of that..) Anyway the twitches are now ALL over. The more anxious I get the more symptoms I get. Always been the same. Doesn't help when doctors send you in for
MRI with the word "Aneurism???" scribbled on the chart.. I'm still not 100% certain my issues are caused by anxiety but I wouldn't be surprised. Really hope they are because if not I'm sure most of the other options are terrible.

09-11-2013, 08:07 PM
ok i will ask about D3. I would love an MRI but doubt the doc will ever give it too me also dont want my parents to have to pay for one

09-11-2013, 08:19 PM
ok i will ask about D3. I would love an MRI but doubt the doc will ever give it too me also dont want my parents to have to pay for one

Have either of your parents ever had anxiety?

09-11-2013, 08:36 PM
Have either of your parents ever had anxiety?

my mom has had anxiety and or depression not really sure which one. She also has FIBRO she is 68 though and her symptoms of fibro happended within the past 8 years or so but i know shes had slight depression and axiety for at least 10 years. growing up i never really realized it she seemed happy most the time it didnt effect my life in anyway whatsoever but maybe shes a worryer like me. Ive just never had an "ATTACK" just constant worry.

09-11-2013, 08:49 PM
Reason I asked is bc I'm sure they would be understanding if you wanted to get completely checked out

09-11-2013, 08:51 PM
Reason I asked is bc I'm sure they would be understanding if you wanted to get completely checked out

what do you mean completely checked out lol