View Full Version : Computers and health anxiety

09-11-2013, 03:17 AM
For a little while now I have suffered from generalized/health anxiety that is mainly triggered when I am alone for prolonged periods of time. I recently recovered from a form of eczema to my face which left me unable to leave the house for anything other then my part time job. During this period I was at my very worst when it came to anxiety, perhaps more so because at the time I didn't realize what I was going through actually was anxiety. I would get dry/sore eyes which would then lead to me getting numb legs and would often follow with stomach pains and bloating. It would happen mostly on the computer which led to more paranoia over whether or not the computer or TV was to blame. It would leave me in a very different mindset from when the symptoms started, and I would then spend the rest of the day worrying about it, their were good days and bad days when it came to this, today is a bad one, hence my post.

Eventually my eczema was gone and I felt like I was ready to get on with things, I kind of realized my initial secluded additude was probably to blame for most of these symptoms and having been to a GP and eye doctor about several of them, anxiety was the only thing that turned up, I've never had any therapy of any sort before so I guess I'm kind of scared to pursue this but I know deep down it's necessary.

Just curious if anyone else has had anything like this, I don't feel like its generalized anxiety but from what I've read on health anxiety a lot of my feelings and symptoms match a lot of what is written, I'd appreciate any help.
