View Full Version : Had such a bad night so upset and scared :(

09-11-2013, 12:57 AM
Had such a bad night had reali bad pain in my chest and my heart was beating so fast i thort i was going to have a heart attack or something lied there body numb and froze from head to toe with fear, after being so tired i know longer could keep my eyes open i feel asleep and now this morning ive had the werid awful pain down my left arn :( my partner is at work and im so scared :( will it ever stop i take meds but they ay helping ?

09-11-2013, 01:12 AM
Had such a bad night had reali bad pain in my chest and my heart was beating so fast i thort i was going to have a heart attack or something lied there body numb and froze from head to toe with fear, after being so tired i know longer could keep my eyes open i feel asleep and now this morning ive had the werid awful pain down my left arn :( my partner is at work and im so scared :( will it ever stop i take meds but they ay helping ?

YouTube how to stop anxiety
It teaches you techniques of how to stop it
Is what I'm doing

Dan Medz
09-11-2013, 01:17 AM
How are you now? I get chest pains a lot and muscle pain from anxiety but even now I still think things like "maybe this one is a heart attack?". Of course it never is. My chest pain seems to be brought on by silent reflux and the reflux is caused by the anxiety. You might have a digestive problem caused by stress and not even know about it. For years I thought (and was treated for) asthma and it turned out I only got it during times of heavy stress. Anyway it turned out to be silent reflux. I only finally figured it out when I realised the worst "attacks" happened within an hour or so of meals. Anyway might not be your issue but thought I'd share. Hope things get better for you today. Hang in there.

09-11-2013, 01:34 AM
How are you now? I get chest pains a lot and muscle pain from anxiety but even now I still think things like "maybe this one is a heart attack?". Of course it never is. My chest pain seems to be brought on by silent reflux and the reflux is caused by the anxiety. You might have a digestive problem caused by stress and not even know about it. For years I thought (and was treated for) asthma and it turned out I only got it during times of heavy stress. Anyway it turned out to be silent reflux. I only finally figured it out when I realised the worst "attacks" happened within an hour or so of meals. Anyway might not be your issue but thought I'd share. Hope things get better for you today. Hang in there.

Thank you so much im hanging in there just so scared all the time im so scared if dying so every anxiety symptom i think im dying

Dan Medz
09-11-2013, 02:53 AM
I feel the same fear. It's relentless sometimes I know. :( No matter how much a doctor says I'm fine I just feel like they aren't being thorough enough. Just do yourself a big favour and don't google symptoms because anxiety symptoms as I'm sure you know mimic all kinds of serious symptoms. It's just going to cause more panic and convince you something awful is happening. I have high blood pressure (probably from anxiety too) and so many heart attacks in the family so I'm always worried about that when I get chest pains. Going in to the doctors to get an ECG done did help me stress less and reassure me my heart was still fine. Sometimes we need that assurance and it's good... until we find the next life threatening thing to worry about. *rolls eye* Endless. Just know you are joined in this unending cycle of despair by many many of us. You know I really think the root of it for me is that I am really afraid to die. If I could somehow be at peace with my own eventual death, I'd probably still be as concerned as anyone when my body is doing something out of the ordinary but I wouldn't be just terrified all the time. But really how anyone gets to that place is beyond me. Why there are "normal" people that exist who walk around calm as ever going about their lives and not freaked out in the slightest by life, death and where it's all going are the weird ones to me. Anyway take care. Try and do something to occupy your mind.

09-11-2013, 03:17 AM
Thank you again take care :)