View Full Version : Symptoms

09-10-2013, 03:18 PM
Hey everyone while its hard to admit that I've had such issues and I suffer usually in silence I have tried the route of this message board to maybe help myself a little bit for some comfort.

I know what I need to do to help myself and I give good advice, it's just taking my own advice is what usually the hard part is.

I've had sweating, aches, muscle tightness, chest tightness, hives, faintness, dizziness, temperature change, TMJ, dry mouth, heightened awareness of my tongue, shakes, high blood pressure, tingling of hands and feet, sleep issues, you name it basically. I've been to the ER more times than I can count just to be told its anxiety related. It's so frustrating its like I want to know there's something physically wrong so it can be corrected but I'm always told I can't be prescribed anything (I have no health insurance) I worry constantly about family, money, my divorce my job etc.

If someone has any natural advice I would be forever indebted.

09-10-2013, 07:42 PM
I dont have great advice but im with talking changes group at the minute and doing a workbook its worth a try as i dont want to use medication. I saw one similar on amazon. Ive also been reading...self-help for nerves by dr claire weekes.
Its rather reassuring and trys to help you cope. Theres other talking therapies etc or speak to a doctor if you dont want or need medical help theyll point you in the right direction. I totally understand i try give myself advice all the time and i get spells of what feel like courage and ill tell myself theres nothing to worry about lets solve this. & then find it hand to put into practice.

09-10-2013, 08:21 PM
I dont have great advice but im with talking changes group at the minute and doing a workbook its worth a try as i dont want to use medication. I saw one similar on amazon. Ive also been reading...self-help for nerves by dr claire weekes.
Its rather reassuring and trys to help you cope. Theres other talking therapies etc or speak to a doctor if you dont want or need medical help theyll point you in the right direction. I totally understand i try give myself advice all the time and i get spells of what feel like courage and ill tell myself theres nothing to worry about lets solve this. & then find it hand to put into practice.

I've heard that book mentioned quite a bit. Ill have to look into it, thank you.

09-10-2013, 10:56 PM
Magnesium and fish oil are supposed to be very good. I am taking something called Natural Calm (for 2 days) and I have already noticed a difference. It's ionic magnesium in a powdered form. Google it and read some of the reviews, that helped me to try it out.

Dan Medz
09-11-2013, 02:58 AM
I take Magnesium aspartate in tablet form. Is ionic better or? Just interested..