View Full Version : My random thoughts - long and drawn out...

09-10-2013, 02:34 PM
I’ve noticed writing can help – help distract our complex minds away from the worrying, obsessing; and panicking over the unknown. We, as humans, are organic in nature – every cell working in perfect harmony – symphony.

A vast and complex network of cells (organ and job specific) and neurons – in a synchronous and symbiotic relationship; sustaining (y)our very life.

You - the greatest “engineering marvel” in all of existence; or all life forms for that matter.

But, being that complex, open us up to some very insignificant quirks; yet do to the very nature of the symbiosis in the processes of our bodies; they can wreak havoc – though not a physical threat to our wellbeing or existence.
The Chaos theory – or a chaos theory of sorts….

Sensitivity to initial conditions – Say the initial condition is stress free, drug free, alcohol free, anxiety free, panic free; a total ideal, blissful state.

Add one of the above variables to the equation and the (your) trajectory path can change. Stress, substances; and the ability to deal with stressors - for each person are as unique as each individuals fingerprint.

The complexities of the human brain – the last frontier in medicine.

I think my ability to cope and deal is a combination of complex actions in my brain and body – genetics being number one; there is no escape from genetic predisposition; and the complexities of our bodies – Chaos Theory.

Like a leaf, falling down to a stream in a sinusoidal fashion – once reaching the stream; each cross wind,
breeze, change in the direction of water flow, rock breaking the surface – every one of those factors change the direction of the leaf – it’s path.

That’s how I feel about us, as humans – existence feels very random for me.

How our bodies react, age, heal and die are directly proportional to what we introduce physically (diet, substances), mentally (stress, anxiety, ability to cope) and environmental.

All roads led here for me (I guess). Every minute factor, no matter how small at the time, came together caused this – anxiety and panic.

I don’t care what people say or I read, I can’t “out will” anxiety. Sure you can suppress it so you can drive, work and function on a certain level; but you can’t puff your chest, put on your big boy pants and make it go away – it’s much more complex than that; by the time you develop full blown debilitating anxiety, it is a part of you; embedded in your DNA.

The Chaos Theory of events took place in your body and brain – whether it stemmed from genetics, substance abuse, stress; or all of the above – there is no way to “will it away.”

I think we have a better chance of healing our bodies than wishing it away.

Just random thoughts from a torn and tired mind.
