View Full Version : esophagus spasms? anxiety? HELP

09-10-2013, 11:33 AM
Im not sure if this is what is happening to me but about a month 1/2 ago I had sever swallowing pain in my chest the pain radiated out to my right side of chest neck and sometimes arm. I freaked out about it for a month and the doctor said it was anxiety and to relax about it. Well after i had a scope, bloodwork, xray, ultrasound. everything came back fine. I felt better mentally and the swallowing pain went away. Now im left with a tight chest and sometimes "twitches" (kind of not sever twitches just like a pinch or some feeling like that) in my chest and it feels tight. This has been going on a month. Could this all be anxiety or do I have some muscle disorder!? Has anyone had these symptoms? I have never had an anxiety attack but constantly worry and conisidently this all started when my bf of 2 years had to move. I know im my mind its probably anxiety i have my good days and bad days where my whole chest neck and arms are sore and tingly but that makes me worry even more about like a tumor or muscle disease!! HELP!!!

im 24yr white female. Never thought i had anxiety before this but i am a worrier and focused on the date of him moving for a LONG TIME. What is the best medicine to get to feeling back to normal? My symptoms change quite often where my soreness is but the chest muscle pain in consistent usually

09-10-2013, 12:07 PM
As corny as it may sound - it sounds kinda like a form of "separation anxiety?"

09-10-2013, 02:12 PM
Im not sure if this is what is happening to me but about a month 1/2 ago I had sever swallowing pain in my chest the pain radiated out to my right side of chest neck and sometimes arm. I freaked out about it for a month and the doctor said it was anxiety and to relax about it. Well after i had a scope, bloodwork, xray, ultrasound. everything came back fine. I felt better mentally and the swallowing pain went away. Now im left with a tight chest and sometimes "twitches" (kind of not sever twitches just like a pinch or some feeling like that) in my chest and it feels tight. This has been going on a month. Could this all be anxiety or do I have some muscle disorder!? Has anyone had these symptoms? I have never had an anxiety attack but constantly worry and conisidently this all started when my bf of 2 years had to move. I know im my mind its probably anxiety i have my good days and bad days where my whole chest neck and arms are sore and tingly but that makes me worry even more about like a tumor or muscle disease!! HELP!!!

im 24yr white female. Never thought i had anxiety before this but i am a worrier and focused on the date of him moving for a LONG TIME. What is the best medicine to get to feeling back to normal? My symptoms change quite often where my soreness is but the chest muscle pain in consistent usually

I kind of know what you mean
I went trough the same thing and since then haven't felt right..
And now I'm just a hypochondriac

09-10-2013, 02:20 PM
I have had every symptom in the book when it comes to anxiety the biggest one is breathing problems (or so I think I'm having problems) I hate when doctors say it to me but I'm going to repeat it. Get psychological help. Trust me. Your world will become completely different, I've been diagnosed recently with bipolar disorder (not to say this is what you have) unfortunately I got a triple whammy when it came to mental issues. Anxiety, depression and now this. I live through it alone I can hold my full time job (and a lot of side work) it's mind over matter. Distract yourself, put headphones on and dance around in the dark! Or go for a walk around the block. You have to distract your mind from the flight or fight urge.

09-10-2013, 02:36 PM
I know anxiety can come in many forms but i have never had breathing difficulties EXCEPT when this first started my chest would get tight like a rubberband around it randomly without me even thinking about being anxious, its only happened 3 times and my doc associated it with acid reflux because of my swallowing difficulties but i kept taking protonics and acid reflux medicine that wouldn't relieve the symptoms. But then my scope came back clear. For the past month 1/2 I feel like I breathe normally, I hate how theres so many anxiety symptoms that seem like "Other" scary things. I also have been having TMJ pain with wraps around to the base of my skull/neck on the right side and of course my anxiety tells me ITS NOT TMJ! I hate this!

09-10-2013, 02:39 PM
As corny as it may sound - it sounds kinda like a form of "separation anxiety?"

I have thought this :( which kind of makes me feel worse, I go on day to day just fine i dont sit and cry over it but i do overthink the situation. my symptoms have been slowly improving but not fast enough for me. I get so mad at myself because I do have a good relationship with my bf I just only get to see him and our dog every 2 weeks instead of everyday for the past 2 years. It is corny and if that is what this is t makes me so mad at myself I could of spared myself from this by just relaxing, its just so hard to turn my mind off, i dont know how! Its just been constant symptoms for 2 months never an "attack" is that possible?

09-10-2013, 02:45 PM
I have thought this :( which kind of makes me feel worse, I go on day to day just fine i dont sit and cry over it but i do overthink the situation. my symptoms have been slowly improving but not fast enough for me. I get so mad at myself because I do have a good relationship with my bf I just only get to see him and our dog every 2 weeks instead of everyday for the past 2 years. It is corny and if that is what this is t makes me so mad at myself I could of spared myself from this by just relaxing, its just so hard to turn my mind off, i dont know how! Its just been constant symptoms for 2 months never an "attack" is that possible?

Yes it happens that way.

09-10-2013, 02:46 PM
I have thought this :( which kind of makes me feel worse, I go on day to day just fine i dont sit and cry over it but i do overthink the situation. my symptoms have been slowly improving but not fast enough for me. I get so mad at myself because I do have a good relationship with my bf I just only get to see him and our dog every 2 weeks instead of everyday for the past 2 years. It is corny and if that is what this is t makes me so mad at myself I could of spared myself from this by just relaxing, its just so hard to turn my mind off, i dont know how! Its just been constant symptoms for 2 months never an "attack" is that possible?

Not sure - maybe this event, depending on how traumatic it was for you; was "the straw that broke the camels back", leading to full blown anxiety symptoms on a persistent basis(?)

Anxiety sucks - trust me, I know. I'm very embarrassed to talk about it with people I know.

Honestly, I feel like this is a phase that you'll snap out of : ) I'm no psychiatrist though : )

09-10-2013, 02:57 PM
Not sure - maybe this event, depending on how traumatic it was for you; was "the straw that broke the camels back", leading to full blown anxiety symptoms on a persistent basis(?)

Anxiety sucks - trust me, I know. I'm very embarrassed to talk about it with people I know.

Honestly, I feel like this is a phase that you'll snap out of : ) I'm no psychiatrist though : )

Thanks, this has made me feel better. Before he moved I did cry and feel anxious A LOT but hid it from him as best as I could. Since he moved I feel like I am doing ok with it but the physical symptoms weigh me down, I have good days and really bad days. Days where i barely have chest pain or muscle aches then days where Im sure I have some muscle disease (lol)! It makes me feel crazy and so mad at myself because I love life! And i know deep down with or without him ill be fine it just was really hard on me. I knew for almost a year before that he was probably moving and I think I just overdid it the whole year til BAM he moved and a week before was when the pain started. I was just scared of losing something I put everything into for the past 2 years. Im just ready for it to be over. As much as i try to do things, work school, yoga, gone to counseling but just started, symptoms are still there.

Would next step be trying a low dose anti anxiety medicine for a short period of time. My doc thought it was my gallbladder and "reffered" pain, thats what he keeps saying, i have one doc in the office tell me it was anxiety and he was gonna get with my doc to put me on the low dose medicine but my doc is FOR SURE its something else. I go in next week for a follow up and demand something to make me feel better. Get my mind off the pain and once it finally goes away I will know how to cope with it better and not let it happen again!

09-10-2013, 03:10 PM
Yes, honestly it really does sound like this event threw you into a funk. I can relate, I'm pretty certain relationship issues (helped) brought on my anxiety earlier this year, different circumstances than you, but relationships can really be traumatic, regardless...

I was taking low dose Ativan for a while - from February - mid July; didn't have any withdrawals or anything. Now I've just been drinking alcohol, instead hahaha : \ not a bright idea, but I feel stuck at times - either deal with the symptoms or medicate.

09-10-2013, 03:18 PM
Yes, honestly it really does sound like this event threw you into a funk. I can relate, I'm pretty certain relationship issues (helped) brought on my anxiety earlier this year, different circumstances than you, but relationships can really be traumatic, regardless...

I was taking low dose Ativan for a while - from February - mid July; didn't have any withdrawals or anything. Now I've just been drinking alcohol, instead hahaha : \ not a bright idea, but I feel stuck at times - either deal with the symptoms or medicate.

haha before this i loved just having a "drink or 2" to calm me but they thought it was EVERYTHING except anxiety, first it was ulcer, then gallbladder so i stayed away from alcohol just in case. I did pass a kidney stone and once i got that i noticed more chest pain which was probably my bodies reaction to the pain and me stressing about it. I havent drank in over 2 months i also smoked weed almost everyday since i was like 18 and im 24 now. I noticed the past 6mo-1yr or so when i smoked i would sometimes get VERY ANXIOUS, shaky tremors and fear i was dieing, probably basically a panic attack without realizing it. So i quit smoking over the past 2 months which wasnt hard for me at all even though its been so long but hasnt necessarily had any effect on my emotionally or physically.

im ready to SNAP OUT OF THIS!

09-10-2013, 03:23 PM
YES - that happened to me as a teenager after smoking weed and I've been afraid to touch it ever since.