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09-10-2013, 11:30 AM
Falling back down the rabbit hole……

I really thought during the summer I was back on the rebound. My anxiety decreased ~ 75% and my panic attacks were almost non-existent; or at least I could handle (or fend off) much better than I could before.

I stopped taking Toprol XL and Ativan completely - cold turkey, in mid July; I didn’t exhibit, or haven’t noticed any symptoms of withdrawals; in fact, I felt much better – clearer thoughts, decreased feeling of light headedness/dizziness, depersonalization, etc.

But summer fun also seemed to get me back into old habits – I’d drink at BBQ’s, with friends, on the weekends, parties – you get the point.

I strongly believe alcohol is what pushed me over the edge at the beginning of the year – well, that, coupled with several stressful situations prior to the onset of panic and anxiety. It relaxed me during stressful/panicky/anxious times, so I used it as a crutch. The ironic part is I despise drugs in any way, shape or form; I couldn’t even tell you the last time I’ve taken OTC pain/cold or flu medicine; so it’s pretty ironic that I found myself medicating with alcohol. Alcohol is funny like that – you don’t go to the doctor, get prescribed alcohol and 12 months later you’re an alcoholic; it’s much more subtle, more many it signifies a good time – turning 21, being out with friends, meeting your girlfriend/boyfriend – those carefree times of your life you cherish so much. Alcohol sneaks up on you, especially if it helps your anxiety and you have anxious tendencies.

Then it’s a slippery slope.

Anyway, I stopped drinking and took care of myself; went to the doctors, eating good/better, getting exercise – almost feeling normal! Which made me elated, since this bout with anxiety/panic has been one of the most frightening, exhausting, mentally draining ordeals I’ve ever encountered – truly a horrific existence at times.

But as I said, feeling normal and not on medication was a bad mix – Memorial Day, Fourth of July, vacations, weekend trips with girlfriend and friends – I started down the path of binge drinking again; and for a while I thought it was fine – just summertime fun time; but I forgot how I honestly believe that stress and drinking really fuck with my brain chemistry – the combination of the two brought on this hell earlier this year…

And I feel it again – I feel the shadow of anxiety creeping up again; the vicious cycle in locking myself into anxiety -> alcohol to cope -> anxiety intensified by alcohol - > alcohol again; just a horrific, fucked up cycle.

The rabbit hole………

That’s the term I coined.

Like Alice in Wonderland – where you’re walking along, living your life, and through whatever circumstances in life; you fall into the rabbit hole, as you fall deeper (anxiety and coping methods), your life, your anxiety; your coping methods and self destructive behavior get worse – weirder, reality becomes further and further away from normal – panic and anxiety take over your emotions; you lose the enjoyment that life once provided; you feel safe, calm and relaxed nowhere – this is the point where mental and physical collapse can really become possible.

I can’t fall down here again…

09-10-2013, 01:08 PM
Hi u4ea. You write really well and I got a lot out of reading your post. I agree that alcohol is insidious. Also society's perception of it. So many people drink heavily that it's pretty much considered normal. And binge drinking is more or less a rite of passage for younger people. But I agree that for those of us with unstable brain chemistry, drinking is playing with fire. I used to self-medicate with alcohol for a long time. Finally I started an anti-depressant and one of the lucky side effects of that for me was that I lost all desire to drink. I don't know if it was some fluke, or if others have experienced something similar, but I just stopped wanting alcohol.

Just wondering whether you've ever been on an anti-depressant. You mention Ativan for anxiety, but some anti-depressants help with anxiety too. Maybe you could talk with your doctor/psychiatrist? Perhaps it would kill two birds with one stone? Really hope you can break the vicious cycle soon and start feeling better!

09-10-2013, 01:19 PM
Hi u4ea. You write really well and I got a lot out of reading your post. I agree that alcohol is insidious. Also society's perception of it. So many people drink heavily that it's pretty much considered normal. And binge drinking is more or less a rite of passage for younger people. But I agree that for those of us with unstable brain chemistry, drinking is playing with fire. I used to self-medicate with alcohol for a long time. Finally I started an anti-depressant and one of the lucky side effects of that for me was that I lost all desire to drink. I don't know if it was some fluke, or if others have experienced something similar, but I just stopped wanting alcohol.

Just wondering whether you've ever been on an anti-depressant. You mention Ativan for anxiety, but some anti-depressants help with anxiety too. Maybe you could talk with your doctor/psychiatrist? Perhaps it would kill two birds with one stone? Really hope you can break the vicious cycle soon and start feeling better!

Hi Tailspin and thank you! Thanks for the response, I see you know what I'm talking about.

I was prescribed a generic......Zoloft? Not sure, never took a single one - ironically, as I've posted I abhor medication; but for whatever reason, resort to alcohol to "take the edge off." So yes, I've been prescribed one - but no, I've never taken one : \

I guess taking Toptol (beta blocker) and Ativan was hard enough for me - let alone a whole cocktail of meds...

Maybe I'm in denial - I feel like if I "ride this out" I might not need anything; but on the flip side, I feel like I maybe dealing with this for the long haul - as I passed my 20's, I feel my body isn't as resilient as it once was.

I really should try an anti-depressant - the horror stories I've read just freak me out.

Hope this finds you well.

09-10-2013, 01:30 PM
Thanks u4ea! I totally hear you on feeling like you should be able to ride this out. Also, the horror stories about anti-depressants are pretty off-putting!!! Yes, definitely I resisted ADs for a really, really long time. As it turns out, I have not done too badly on them and the side effects have been tolerable. I still go through periods of bad anxiety and depression, despite the ADs, but overall they have helped me. I think they are worth a try, but I totally get your reluctance to go down that road! Also, some folks really are able to ride it out. I was just reading another post on here where that was the case. I guess everyone has to find their own way through this and that is a very individual process. It sure is good to have somewhere like this where we can all compare notes!!

Hope you're having a good day!

09-10-2013, 01:40 PM
Thanks u4ea! I totally hear you on feeling like you should be able to ride this out. Also, the horror stories about anti-depressants are pretty off-putting!!! Yes, definitely I resisted ADs for a really, really long time. As it turns out, I have not done too badly on them and the side effects have been tolerable. I still go through periods of bad anxiety and depression, despite the ADs, but overall they have helped me. I think they are worth a try, but I totally get your reluctance to go down that road! Also, some folks really are able to ride it out. I was just reading another post on here where that was the case. I guess everyone has to find their own way through this and that is a very individual process. It sure is good to have somewhere like this where we can all compare notes!!

Hope you're having a good day!

It definitely is : )

That's the thing - I've been "anxious" my entire life, yet it never reached this point; the point of affecting my life to this extent. In my early 20's, I had a similar bout, but don't remember it getting this bad; including taking myself to the ER - but they just took blood, gave me an Ativan and set me up with a MH social worker and psychiatrist - went a few times, wasn't impressed; felt better, and got on with my life.

That the key to what I'm hoping now - getting on with my life

I hope - this drains so much out of me.....potential, creativity, etc.

I'm hanging in their today - it was rainy and gloomy, but the sun is out now.....a good day to be alive ; )

09-10-2013, 07:32 PM
Yes, dealing with this stuff is a huge drain. I am similar to you in that I have also been anxious my entire life but for the longest time it just kind of hovered in the background and didn't effect my life. I was fully functional etc. Just, I was always a worrier. Depression used to be a bigger problem for me than anxiety. But as I've aged, my anxiety has gone through the roof, complete with panic attacks, phobias and all the other crap that anxiety often brings with it. I'm pretty old now - 49 - and definitely have some hormonal stuff going on (sorry if that is TMI!) and I know that is playing a big role. My anxiety started to go nuts about 6 years ago. There were a few things that I can see now probably ignited it, but really, my anxiety is out of all proportion, and my life, externally, is good. Internally, not so much!!! Definitely it feels like something in my head is not wired right. I mean, it really feels organic.

Glad you're hanging in there today!