View Full Version : I am new here.. Anybody with obsessions?

julian duchene
09-10-2013, 10:22 AM
Hello everyone! I've been struggling with anxiety for 8 years now, ups and downs. Im glad to find this forum where you can talk openly without being judged. I have a boyfriend and as we are planning on getting married soon, the anxiety has appeared to its fullest as i am trying to know how everything in the future will come out, its hard but i really feel the urge to know how everything will be (i mean "everything", is an obsession the HOW will everything be). Im trying to convince myself that this is irrational and that i cant know all the future... Has anybody here experienced hard obsessions? Without being OCD? Id love to hear from someone who has been through these and please let me know how you have managed this.
Lets all have faith that we'll eventually feel beter to live the life God intended for us