View Full Version : So Confused

09-10-2013, 08:57 AM
I am still married yet living seperatley. I live with another person. Since November of 2012 I started having anxiety/panic attacks to the point where I can now no longer enjoy life to its fullest. I am pretty much confined in my own little "safety space". I do get out of the house but I can't be in a vehicle with another person without an attack and I can't drive for too long without an attack. I have been tried on many meds with no help and I can drive to the next city to seek a shrink or more help on the account I have an attack while trying to get there. I have been asking for help from my husband (support really) and though I have nothing against religion as I read the Bible myself, he keeps telling me this and that from the Bible and says my anxiety is because I am not living with him and he expects me to just pack up and move back and things will be fine. Last night I was on the phone with him and I was so upset and frusterated because I was asking for him to help me and he kept saying to move back and that I need to help myself first and stop hiding in the "bubble" and that he won't help me unless I help my ownself, etc. I am basically looking for positive support and encouragement and with him doing this it is actually discouraging me. I am trying to help myself. I go to the doctor and what not but...I don't know. I am so upset right now. What should I do? Should I listen to him or what?