View Full Version : I hate those days....

09-10-2013, 07:53 AM
When I have bad anxiety and no idea why! I can usually pinpoint what is making me anxious, but today I can't put my finger on it. I can't imagine what I could possibly be anxious about today! My mind feels relaxed but my body feels incredible anxious. I'm wondering if my problems sleeping through the night is making it worse.

09-10-2013, 11:57 AM
My anxiety and panic is always like that. I don't feel anxious or upset and suddenly it's there. My blood sugar drops when I have a panic attack, then my heart races and I sweat buckets. Next after I can eat and get calmed down (because I panic more when my sugar drops) I sleep and have a headache. It sucks. It's harder when people tell me not to get so upset about X or Y. I DON'T! But it's always there. I take an afternoon nap now and it helps but really anything can set me off, anywhere.

09-10-2013, 12:04 PM
Me too - 99% of the time, if I didn't have the physical manifestations of anxiety - I wouldn't have anxiety!

But when I get physical symptoms, even though I'm not feeling, in my head, anxious about something - I get anxiety! Makes me think "well than something is wrong physically, can't be anxiety."


09-10-2013, 12:07 PM
My PCP attributes the blood sugar drop to hypoglycemia but my psych thinks its neurological. If I let it go or don't catch it, I'll have a full blown grand mal clonic tonic seizure. I still haven't been properly diagnosed but Effexor seems to help with the blood sugar.


09-10-2013, 12:36 PM
I can really relate to this. I hate the way the physical feelings come on so randomly, for absolutely no understandable reason. It just adds to my sense that I have no control over my anxiety, or my physical symptoms. I end up living in fear of my own body and mind because I'm always waiting for the next trick they are going to play on me!!

09-10-2013, 12:37 PM
My PCP attributes the blood sugar drop to hypoglycemia but my psych thinks its neurological. If I let it go or don't catch it, I'll have a full blown grand mal clonic tonic seizure. I still haven't been properly diagnosed but Effexor seems to help with the blood sugar.


That's interesting, rainboots. When you say, if you let it go or don't catch it you have a full blown seizure, what is it that you are able to do to catch it? Do you have some techniques?

09-11-2013, 05:54 AM
Thank you for responding! I can relate to how all of you are feeling, and it is nice to know there are people out there that understand. When tailspin said "It just adds to my sense that I have no control over my anxiety, or my physical symptoms." that really hit home. I think one of my major triggers is the fear that my anxiety will get out of control and I won't be able to control it, that I won't be able to control my thoughts or emotions. Right now, I am talking Vybird but I go to see a new Psych. in October so I am not sure if he will switch my meds. I was on Lexapro for years and had a lot of success with it, but I felt like it started not to work. I am wondering if I should try to go back.