View Full Version : Please help

09-09-2013, 09:12 AM
So during the summer my fiancé was having a lot of pain, particularly on the right side above his stomach. He went to the hospital, they did blood/urine tests and said everything came back good; liver, pancreas etc. They told him it was likely gallbladder attacks and sent him for an ultrasound, which also came back clear. that was about 2 months ago and he still has the pain most days. He called me today in a panic because he was on google and is now convinced it is pancreatic cancer. My question is... He had blood and urine taken at the hospital.. Wouldn't something show up if there was cancer? Also is it possible that he was having gallbladder attacks even if the ultrasound came back clear? Or is that not a possibility?

09-09-2013, 12:32 PM
First of all ur pancreas would only cause pain in upper left quadrant.. not your right.. and yes ultra sound should confirm a inflamed gall bladder. It would show a thickened wall in side your gall bladder. That's how u would know