View Full Version : Will i have anxiety attacks for the rest of my life?

09-09-2013, 08:18 AM
I used to get anxiety attacks like 5-6times a week, it has now gone down quite a bit, but I was wondering if i will have them for the rest of my life? Or if it will leave? There are periods of times when I get more than other times

09-09-2013, 08:22 AM
My friend,
That all depends on you.. it's not something that has to stick with you. You can overcome this. One day and one step at a time: )

09-09-2013, 08:31 AM
Thankyou Lauren :) x

09-09-2013, 08:36 AM
Your welcome love: )

09-09-2013, 08:45 AM
Lauren is right! My mom had very severe anxiety in her 20's and 30's, she has really come a long way and has learned to manage it!

09-09-2013, 08:47 AM
That's really good to hear :) x

09-09-2013, 08:51 AM
It's hard work but you can do it! Reading, forums, support groups. Are you in therapy?

09-09-2013, 09:07 AM
No I'm not yet, I have been rejected certain ones because I'm not in a certain area, but I'm joining up soon, and I have been on kooth.com for a while, also there's a place I can order books all about what I'm going through, which is a relief :)

09-09-2013, 09:18 AM
I agree with all. It is something you can manage. It is something you can refuse to live with. I have learned to accept it and see it as a part of me. I speak to people about it and educate my self on the topic. It has helped me a lot. Just keep pushing forward. It only gets better once you realize what you are going through.

09-09-2013, 09:48 AM
i also agree. I had my first attack about 6-7 years ago. It was chest pains, and I didn't know what it was so it scared the crap outta me. I was 26 at the time and vary active(jogging, sports, etc). I went to get a stress test, I went to the doctors around 6 times, lol. I kept having the attacks almost every day for a couple weeks. They wouldn't last long, I would say about 1-2 mins then it would leave. I was a little depressed because I didn't know why it was happening. I knew that everytime I had a pain in my chest, I would start to feel my attack coming. Well. after a couple weeks, months of realizing what I had and what it WASN'T, I was able to deal with the anxiety and ignore it all together. I still get my regular checkup once a year, but now when I have my chest pains I know what it isnt and I haven't had an attack since then. It's treatable. Like everyone before me said, you have to learn to accept it and live with it. Stop thinking about it. I think that's the main thing. The longer you think about your anxiety, the more you will not improve. Once you stop thinking about it, you will stop having them. It's definitely something you can manage

09-09-2013, 01:44 PM
I'm now 14 and started just over a year ago, so it definitely seems like I'm an earlier comer. my doctor told me that my chest pains were something called "Costochondritis",which is nothing contagious but just serious sharp pains in my chest& I was told to take ibuprofen every time it hurt, and I get it mostly when I'm anxious, and then i got told i have an anxiety disorder.
so I don't think it was anything to do with costochondritis. But today I was joking to one of my friends and I suddenly I became really breatheless and my chest was getting tighter and I started to panic, I made her think it was all part of my little overreaction, and I just calmed down and breathed, and slowly got myself through it.
It's hard, and they come when you least expect them, i just hope I grow out of it