View Full Version : all day everyday

09-08-2013, 07:19 AM
Does anyone else have panic disorder, and have panic attacks all day everyday? I have had them since I was young but the last few years it's daily and multiple times. Even when I'm not having an attack I still just don't feel right. I'm dizzy, nauseous, headache, scared they'll come again which causes them to do so. I'm so exhausted I don't feel like trying anymore yet I have to I can't giveup and lose. Any advice I'm getting desperate

09-08-2013, 09:33 AM
I feel the same way as you do.
I'm constantly worried that I'll have another panic attack which does bring them on. It seems like they happen more frequently and are stronger because of how much I worry about fighting the symptoms.
I have panic attacks daily and the symtoms linger all day. The worst symptom for me is being dizzy. This never really goes away and it freaks me out because I feel like I'll either pass out or fall into something and hit my head. I get nausea too, but not as often. My most common symptoms are dizziness and feeling like I'm just not right.

I've been having panic attacks for about a year and a half now. At first I was getting them once or twice per week and then suddenly started getting them daily.
When I had one only once or twice a week I wasn't worried. I figured that the next one would be my last, so I didn't really concern myself with feeling that way again.
Then when they began more frequently I started freaking out because the physical symptoms were getting so horrible for me that I couldn't concentrate on anything besides not feeling that way again.
I started avoiding things that I was doing when I had them, but they are so bad now that I cannot avoid all of those situations.
I've had panic attacks in the shower, taking a bath, grocery shopping, watching tv, laying in bed, and during sex even. Theres no way that a person can avoid all of those things. I don't want to either, so I push through it.

Are you on medication for your anxiety? If not...you should consider trying some out. One that I took is Xanax and it worked wonders for me. I took the control release kind so that way I didn't feel out of my head. I also tried Wellbutrin, but that brought on more panic attacks than I was having before. I don't recommend that one...its more for depression I've read and it really made my anxiety worse.

Never give up though...there are ways to go about fixing things like this and possibly just by coming here and reading posts, replying to posts, or creating your own when you feel horrible will help.
Finding this site has actually helped me a lot by keeping my mind off of the physical symptoms.
I hope you feel better...if you ever need to talk to someone who understands...I'm here. :)

09-08-2013, 09:51 AM
Mandi pants...I so beyond serious...what your saying is EXACTLY how I am...EXACTLY...and even when I not panicking like u..I don't feel right....I feel like I can't do this no more...are u on meds? Also u have 2 boys 4 and 5...and it breaks my.heart..I feel like I gonna have to say good bye....:( I don't feel right...and then panic a million times a day....which caused me to lose 20 in 4 months..all I can think of is I not right...I gonna end up in mental ward..

09-08-2013, 09:52 AM
I really can't believe u described me!!!!mandi!! I looking for answers to

09-08-2013, 10:01 AM
I have 2 girls 2 and 11 and I feel terrible about myself like I'm a bad mother which makes it worse!! I'm on Attivan and lexapro now. I was on klonipin and Prozac and Zoloft made me hallucinate. I don't have insurance so I get refills when I have money which is next to never. Horrible cycle and now Christmas is coming which is always a huge deal for us and I'm queried about presents already. I know I need to stop worrying but can't

09-08-2013, 10:06 AM
Mandi I feel that way to I already worried about the holidays as well..I feel like OFF abd werid and have quit my.job I don't want to be around no one...and I.am currently on Zoloft genetic and clonazepam....how long u been on meds

09-08-2013, 10:11 AM
I thankful I found someone I can say feel just like me..it's hard for me to do anything...

09-08-2013, 10:25 AM
I know it's nice to not feel alone... I've been in meds for over two years now and on and off before that since I was 18 and I'm 29 now. I couldn't take Zoloft had an allergic reaction. I've been on diazepam, xanax, clonazepam, attivan, imiprimine,Prozac,and lexapro. Nothing makes it stop some help the severity and u have no clue what triggers it. I'm happy in my life!! Not stressed, I'm a pet sitter so I don't deal w ppl. I was the most outgoing bubbly fun person ever but not anymore. I used to drink to medicate my symptoms and have quit and that is really hard!!

09-08-2013, 10:30 AM
The worst thing for me lately us wanting to go to the park out state fair and I'm terrified I'll have an attack with my kids and pass out and someone will take them and I'll be unconscious., irrational,I know but it's those thoughts that drive me nuts. What if I go to a school party and have a panic attack, or chaperone a field trip. Wth I can't do anything

09-08-2013, 10:38 AM
Well its easy to say or do but when im with my daughter and i feel that attack coming on i keep telling myself its anxiety it aint gonna kill me im fine and healthy keep saying that and you will see how you will calm down!! Let me know how its goes!

09-08-2013, 10:43 AM
Thanks. I do the same thing and sometimes it helps and other times it doesn't

09-08-2013, 10:55 AM
Well give a shot keep telling urself that and laugh becuz at the end of day its all anxiety and were still here and remember one thing if it was something bad like a heart attack or something else it would have happen already a long time ago!! Little at a time we will all get rid of this it can last forever!!

09-08-2013, 11:16 AM
Ya I get it when I wake up to...gosh I do messed up...I 27 where from?

09-08-2013, 11:24 AM
My panic attacks are the ones that feel like your going crazy...like unreality....so scary

09-08-2013, 11:26 AM
Like if I should just commit my self

09-08-2013, 11:32 AM
Ya I feel like that with kids trips to..and I not working which sucks cuz I panic about money...do u have husband..what did he think

09-08-2013, 11:48 AM
Mandi pants how many times and hoe much u take your anti anxiety pills

09-08-2013, 01:07 PM
I found this forum yesterday and feel exactly the way you guys do - this is helping knowing I'm not alone but I wish we all met under better circumstances :) it started daily for me about 2 months ago don't know why -happened a few times over the last 5 years but really never worried about until now Xanax really helps but my doctor said its just temporary so she put me on celexa it's making me feel more anxious but I know these meds take time to work its only been a week. But I'm waking up with it going to sleep barely sleeping and I have my own business I'm worried I'm going to mess it all up cuz I can't concentrate on anything but this feeling. I need to go to a birthday dinner for my mom in a few hours and am getting all worked up about it thinking if driving there and sitting in restaurant I would rather just stay home are you still taking the time release Xanax? I just want my life back wasnt depressed about anything just normal stress money love life etc. just came out of nowhere

09-08-2013, 01:18 PM
Seeny pm me ill help u out !!

09-08-2013, 01:27 PM
Thank u but It won't let me pm yet says not enough posts

09-08-2013, 01:41 PM
Listen i know how u feel if u go out and u feel a panic attack coming but think of this way when it comes just say to ur its all anxiety it aint gonna kill me just calm down u can do it!! This will all pass just remember were still here nothing has happen to anyone on here we keep writing everyday all our symptoms but were still here nothing has happen to us so just keep this back on your mind that your fine and its just a passing storm that we have to battle but it will pass

09-08-2013, 01:42 PM
Oh, ok ya I been taking clonazepam for 4 months...and on generic Zoloft..I deff wouldn't be able to go dinner...I quit my job....and I had a really good job and now every second to me is a struggle...I have 2 boys that need me...:(

09-08-2013, 01:47 PM
Ok just keep in contact wit me

09-08-2013, 01:49 PM
Thank you guys. "This to shall pass". It's just convincing our minds of that -is Zoloft working for you ? Padrepio are you on any meds?

09-08-2013, 01:51 PM
Yea but dont think like that i have a daughter she needs me too but i dont think the worst...its all anxiety man...everytime i with my daughter i get panic attacks i get sharp pains and discomfort feelings by my heart feels like im having a heart attack or something but im still here lol its all anxiety brother keep telling urself that!! It will never kill us !!