View Full Version : Celexa

09-07-2013, 05:56 PM
Hi everyone I'm new to this just started having these panic attacks daily about a month ago my doctor gave me lexipro but felt worse started the celexa on tues waking up everyday bundle of nerves , can't sleep is this normal or should I try another.

09-07-2013, 07:31 PM
Hey Seeny,

How long was you taking the lexapro for? it is my understanding that all Anti-depressants have the potential to cause your symptoms to actually become worse when you initially start taking the medications but these side effects usually pass after 1-3 weeks. I think it would be a little premature for you to discontinue the medication so soon because you haven't given it chance to build up therapeutic levels in your system.

So in short what you are experiencing is not unusual and my advice would be to do your best to tolerate it until they pass. But if you are really struggling then make another appointment to see the doctor.

09-08-2013, 10:08 AM
Ritch, thank you. This just started full force about 2 months ago and really takes over your life. We are always looking for a quick treatment and I know this all takes time I was only in the lexipro a couple of days was giving me the worst anxiety so that's why my doctor switched me to 10mg celexa I've started therapy too I've never been meds before and it's frustrating being dependent on them now