View Full Version : switching from lexapro to prozac and feeling aweful- help!

09-07-2013, 02:44 PM
Hi, I am new here and am suffering from panic attacks, anxiety and now depression. I have had this all my life, but it has been well controlled. I had a relapse last May while on 20mg Prozac. We increased my Prozac to 40mg and with in a couple of weeks I felt better. However, I decided to switch to Lexapro because Prozac was making me tired. So I switch to 20mg Lexapro. After about a month on that, I was feeling good, but was sooo very tired, so foolishly, I halved my dose to 10 myself. About 2 weeks later I started having panic attacks again. I went straight to my psych and she took me off the Lexapro cold turkey and put me on 20 mg Prozac for 3 days, then up to 40mg. I have been on the Prozac for 10 days now and still feel horrible, actually even worse. Does anybody have any idea how long it will take the Prozac to kick in? And is this normal when stopping Lexapro, because I had no problem stopping the Prozac cold turkey to start Lexapro. I just want to feel better. I have had to take leave of absence from work for the 2nd time in 4 months. I just want to be myself. Please give me answers and encouragement!! I could really use it.