View Full Version : Health anxiety - muscle twitching

Dan Medz
09-07-2013, 12:07 PM
I go through different phases with my anxiety as many do and right now it's taking the form of being overly paranoid about my health. As many of you know anxiety can cause some very real and unsettling symptoms which along with the help of every anxiety-ridden individual's worst friend... google.. can send anyone like me into a paranoid tailspin that they have some crazy neurological disease or something equally life threatening. I've been down this road many times. I end up having every test under the sun done from MRI's to pathology and them coming back normal and me continuing to worry anyway about something having been missed because I still feel like I have something awful wrong with me. It's endless. I have so many anxiety symptoms that correlate with actual serious illness or disease that knowing the difference between a symptom I should be worried about and shouldn't often becomes very blurry. Getting new symptoms possibly anxiety related is the worst thing because I wonder why with all my anxiety have I never experienced a particular thing before? Right now I've had weird pulsings and muscles twitches all over my body every day for months. Started out with a twitching in my eyelid and left temple and then almost like clockwork once I started worrying about MS or ALS I felt and actually saw twitches in my legs and arms and over a few months now every damn thing is twitching away from my shoulders and back to my calves. It doesn't hurt or cause me problems apart from some muscle soreness/weakness but it's really irritating and worrying. Anyway just wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this as a result of anxiety.