View Full Version : Health/ALS anxiety

09-07-2013, 12:01 PM
I am new to the forum and just need to talk to someone who understands what I'm going through. I have a wonderful husband, but he just doesn't seem to understand. Everything started about 5 months ago when I started having difficulty swallowing. It was very sudden. I have trouble initiating the swallow. I chew an chew but I cannot bring myself to swallow without taking a drink. I saw a GI dr assuming it was related to gerd, but had a normal EGD. After that, anxiety started kicking in. I hate eating in front of people and going out to eat. A few months later I started having episodes of unequal pupils. It turned out to be nothing serious, but I mentioned the swallowing issues to the neurologist. He didn't seem too concerned because my MRI was normal, but suggested I see an ENT. I have an Appt next month, but the anxiety of what could be wrong is driving me crazy. I have an all consuming fear that I have ALS or some other terrifying disease. I keep developing new symptoms. My tongue feels weird and swollen and I feel like I can't pronounce words correctly( but nobody else has noticed). I have twitches all over my body but especially in my legs. My right leg and arm feel weak and stiff. I constantly check my legs for atrophy and am convinced my right calf is smaller.
The fear of what is wrong with me is ruining my life. I was such a happy upbeat person before all this. Now I just feel panicked and hopeless all the time. I cry all the time. The other day at work I sobbed uncontrollably for 3 hours straight.
I feel like my husband is getting frustrated with all my doctors appointments and medical bills, but I have to figure out what is wrong with me. I didn't feel like I could wait another month for my ENT appointment, so I made an appointment with my family doctor next week to discuss everything. I really feel like I need some help. I just don't feel like I can function like this anymore. I am otherwise a healthy 26 year old female with 2 beautiful young daughters that need their old mom back.
Thank you to anybody who took the time to read this. I just need to know there is somebody out there who understands what I'm going through and how hopeless I feel.

09-08-2013, 03:27 PM
Sounds like fibromyalgia to me

09-09-2013, 06:06 AM
I know how you feel hun, every day I feel new symptoms which then starts my anxiety. Ive had pains in my head so thought it as a tumour, ive had chest pains so thought I was having a heart attack. Tummy pains its never ending honestly. Been to doctors been told its all anxiety but I find it hard to believe. My partner is good but tells me to stop worring which I cant seem to do. Really dont want to feel like this anymore!!!

09-09-2013, 07:20 AM
Hey hun, crying is not necessarily a bad thing. I actually love to cry because it makes me feel 100 times better. And nobody really understands what we go through unless they are in our shoes. Anxiety is a mind over matter type of thing and until u accept it as being one of your setbacks , then it will get you everything.. good luck love!!