View Full Version : Anxetiy

09-07-2013, 08:23 AM
Hello everyone I'm 22 and new to this but I just want to see if people are suffering like me. For the past 3 month or so I have felt really down and low, this maybe because I quit my job to do a course that would get me a better job, however I had to sacrifice money to do this. I recently went on holiday which my girlfriend paid for, I just couldn't enjoy my self my stomach and acid were terrible and I had what I think was a panic attack why I was there. I also started crying a lot and I haven't cried for as long as I can remember. When I got back I decided to go to docs because I was convinced I had a life threatening illness. My doctor said I was depressed and had anxiety which was new to me I never really give it a thought. He put me on anti depressants and I have been on them for 8 days and got some nasty side effects such as lack of sleep, wake up feeling really nerves, bad gut, and my sex drive is none excitant. I constantly feel on edge and I only have literally an hour a day of where I feel fine. Anyone els in the same boat or am I alone ?

09-07-2013, 03:55 PM
Hi Jamie. Welcome. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. Depression and anxiety are awful. But you're definitely not alone. What anti-depressant did the doctor put you on? The side effects are usually worst for the first couple of weeks or so as your body adjusts. Hopefully they will subside after that and you'll start feeling the benefits. Sometimes the first anti-depressant we try doesn't work and we need to switch to another one. It can definitely be a case of trial and error. But I would give your current AD more of a chance to kick in first. I really hope it helps. Let us know how you're doing!

09-07-2013, 04:26 PM
Thanyou for the reply means a lot to me right now. I am currently on 50mg of sertraline. I have had a very rough day today with flu like symptoms and a really horrible taste in my mouth. The only thing that really gets me is I actually felt better before I started taking them. But I have been told by many people to just stay on them. I start a new job Tuesday and I really hope I don't get the symptoms whilst at work. I have a follow up appointment on Friday jut hope the doctor can help me.

09-07-2013, 06:02 PM
Hello...I been suffering REALLY really bad for 4 -months now...I am also taking the exact same thing as u James...it's been 3 weeks..the only thing I.can say is its given me a appetite maybe...and side effects idk...shaky, crying alot as well...I.am also on anti anxiety pill...but yes sude effects are awful..I get bad head aches..but I hope we get better:)

09-07-2013, 07:23 PM
Hi Jamie,

The best thing you can do is ride out the start up of the medication and just hang in there the side effects will pass. When you say your stomach was bad was it just churning or was it upset and causing you to frequent the bathroom? If it is the latter you could ask your doctor to prescribe some mebeverine or get a good pro biotic.

09-07-2013, 07:38 PM
If this meds cause the agitation you should talk to the doctor and change the meds. Of course you could give it a 2 weeks trial. I tried like 5 antidepressants and none was working for me; constant agitation, panic attacks most of the time. dizziness and headaches. It is Zoloft and a lot of people here are on it. For years. So maybe it is going to work for you. Most antidepressants lower the sex drive, this is why so many people in relationship do not want to use it. For me it is the most serious side effect, because people need to have normal sex life, it actually lowers their anxiety.

09-07-2013, 08:10 PM
http://easeurmind.proboards.com. it's all based around anxiety and depression... please leave comments on forum. Its a very close friend of mine dealing with same issues. Thanks friends

09-07-2013, 08:17 PM
Thanyou for the reply means a lot to me right now. I am currently on 50mg of sertraline. I have had a very rough day today with flu like symptoms and a really horrible taste in my mouth. The only thing that really gets me is I actually felt better before I started taking them. But I have been told by many people to just stay on them. I start a new job Tuesday and I really hope I don't get the symptoms whilst at work. I have a follow up appointment on Friday jut hope the doctor can help me.

Hi Jamie. I was on Sertraline for a long time and it definitely helped me, after I got over the side effects. It's just a real drag that you can end up feeling worse to start with. Do you take it at night or in the morning? Are you taking it with some food? If you don't see any improvement by next Friday then I would definitely talk to your doc about trying something different. Or at least adding something so that you don't feel so bad physically. It's great you have a new job lined up, but I can imagine the thought of that is stressing you out too. Sorry things are so rough right now!

Really hope you're able to get some sleep this weekend and that your body settles down on the Zoloft. Good luck for Tuesday! And for Friday too!

09-08-2013, 12:00 AM
Side effects from tablets can often be worse than the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is either possible to wait and get over the symptoms, or simply to acknowledge that you can't stand the side effects and need to try some other tablets which do not give you the same side effects.
The quicker you change to a new tablet the better once you have decided to, so that you start to get them into your system. Sometimes you have to come off some tablets slowly before going on to other ones, or have a day or so with none, before starting new ones - all depends on the tablets.
But I wouldn't put up with bad side effects for too long, because there are definitely tablets which will not give you such bad side effects but still will help you with your anxiety and depression.

09-08-2013, 02:32 AM
Thanks everyone it seems that there are really mixed feelings from everyone about them but I think al just keep taking them see how it goes. I take them first thing on a morning when I wake up, but with no food I can't really eat my diet has took a real hit iv always had problems with eating but I just started getting my appetite back but now it's back to not eating again. I play football and I'm wondering if I should keep playing I played on Wednesday but when playing I felt quite unfit and really tiered. But I have woke up this morning feeling better than I have done over the last few days and I had a ok nights sleep. I wonder if there starting to work and the effects are wearing off

09-08-2013, 04:58 AM
Although you have these side affects right now after a few weeks those problems should be cleared up. Give it time! You might still have some problems but hopefully it's still better then being off them.

09-08-2013, 06:27 AM
Hi Jamie,

If you are struggling with your appetite just do your best to eat as many small/meals throughout the day. I know it would be difficult but just try your best and keep away from the large portions. Exercise is good for anxiety, it will help burn off any excess adrenaline you have flowing through your body, so If you can still go and play football.

09-08-2013, 07:16 AM
Thanks rich and Emily I am probs just over reacting and my brain is playing on this. Does anyone els question if there actually ill though like a really serious illness because I do. Even though I have had 3 blood tests and the all come back ok I still can't help but question it.. Stupid I know lol but then again am lead to believe this is a classic sign of anxiety

09-08-2013, 03:38 PM
Glad you had a good night's sleep and are feeling better today, Jamie! If possible, I would definitely try and take the medication with some food and not on an empty stomach. Even if it's just a bit of dry toast.

Really hope things continue to improve for you!

09-08-2013, 05:31 PM
Mirtazapine are the best

09-08-2013, 05:32 PM
They work at night time

09-08-2013, 05:58 PM
What's that

09-08-2013, 07:02 PM
Thanks rich and Emily I am probs just over reacting and my brain is playing on this. Does anyone els question if there actually ill though like a really serious illness because I do. Even though I have had 3 blood tests and the all come back ok I still can't help but question it.. Stupid I know lol but then again am lead to believe this is a classic sign of anxiety

Definitely I keep thinking that I have an actual physical disease too, even though, like you, I've had normal bloodwork done etc. This is really, really common though and many anxious people worry constantly that there is something wrong with their physical health. And the thing is, anxiety and depression do make us feel really bad physically and they do cause very real physical symptoms, eg headaches and/or stomach upset.

Really hope the Zoloft help you with this! Good luck!

09-09-2013, 01:15 PM
tailspin I love your posts, you are so right in what you said:))

09-09-2013, 01:37 PM
Thanks tail spin I am as you know things just arnt improving for me right now I had my first day back at collage today and it was awful leg tapping shaking burning up and feeling really on edge.. I got home and I felt exhausted and went to sleep for 2 hours woke up feeling really bad stiff neck and I felt really down and breathless. It really worried me as I start my new job (apprenticeship) tomorrow I hope I don't feel like this tomorrow. Anyone know of any medication or anything like my story that has helped them I'm 22 and my life seems to be a struggle at the moment and worse ever since I started these stupid tablets

09-09-2013, 02:57 PM
Welcome! I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. If you can manage to get through the side effects I would stick with the meds. Some meds take a few weeks to work. I know it can be frustrating, but don't give up! You will find something that works for you. Also, if you don't mind me asking...do you drink? Drinking makes my anxiety/depression 10 times worse.

09-09-2013, 04:23 PM
Thanks tail spin I am as you know things just arnt improving for me right now I had my first day back at collage today and it was awful leg tapping shaking burning up and feeling really on edge.. I got home and I felt exhausted and went to sleep for 2 hours woke up feeling really bad stiff neck and I felt really down and breathless. It really worried me as I start my new job (apprenticeship) tomorrow I hope I don't feel like this tomorrow. Anyone know of any medication or anything like my story that has helped them I'm 22 and my life seems to be a struggle at the moment and worse ever since I started these stupid tablets

Hi Jamie, I'm sure you must be nervous about starting your new job tomorrow (anyone would be! A new job is always an anxious time!), so perhaps that is making things worse right now? On top of the side effects from the meds. Hopefully tomorrow will go well and then that will be one less thing to worry about. But if you still feel like crap physically by Friday when you next see your doc, I would definitely tell him how much you're struggling and ask him for an alternative option.

Hang in there!!!! Things will get better!!!

09-09-2013, 04:48 PM
Hey Jaime, I know the feeling. I know how it feels to be in school and not have work or have to quit a job to attend school to better yourself. It is something that occurred to me back in 2009. It is all due to stress going on in your life. I know I might not sound like the rest, but if you can try to avoid meds as of now you should do so. Meds can make you worst than the actual symptoms. Keep in mind, I am a marketing major and have a Masters in Business, the pharmaceutical industry is the largest in the world. They want us to be meds dependent. Anxieties/panics are psychological thoughts that can be controlled. Just like a cold, meds only numb the symptoms. Instant message me to share my experience. And, I hope I can help.