View Full Version : Strange behavior.

11-16-2007, 11:33 PM
For a few months now I've been doing this thing where I examine plates or silverware and then rinse them off or re-wash them before eating with them. There have been several times where there would be only one bowl left in the cabinet and I would starve until another was washed because I feared it was dirty.

Also I've been washing my hands constantly and I don't really like being touched by people if I'm not sure their hands are clean. I don't freak out, but it definetly makes me feel uncomfortable.

What in the world is up with that? :/

11-17-2007, 08:02 AM
People who suffer from anxiety all have a fear of something whether it be fainting, heart attacks, falling, throwing up, etc.

Personally I had a fear of throwing up, I wouldn't eat with friends at resturants because I was scared I might throw up in the resturant and embrass myself.

To overcome it, you have to convince yourself that you will be fine and face your fear.

11-19-2007, 06:02 AM
Having lived with anxiety for quite sometime, I can tell you that doing irrational things and having irrational fears is quite normal. It's the way we deal with the irrational that makes us how we are.
If you are able to push the bad thoughts aside, you'll be fine. If you are like me and the thoughts linger on and on, then it becomes an issue.
Do your best to try to filter out the bad thoughts (the if-I-don't wash-this plate-again thoughts). It is not a simple process and may take some time before you begin feeling comfortable but it will work.
Also, this site is great for when something is bothering you. A lot of very supportive people here to sympathize and offer support. I wish I had found it sooner.

11-19-2007, 06:28 AM
These symptoms are obviously of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I'm no doctor, but I would suggest you would describe your behaviour - which is great you see with detachment and objectivity - to a doctor/psychologist and see what he says. Do not look up on the web, please. Just talk to a professional.

I am an obsessive myself although not of this kind. But the kind afraid of dirty dishes and hands is quite popular - have you seen the movie, The Aviator?

Nothing to worry about, you're actually worried enough - it's all treatable. If only it just means you probably have an intelligence higher than normal.

Good luck. And lick.