View Full Version : I feel like I have two personalities

09-06-2013, 06:17 PM

So i will move straight to the point.
I feel that I have two personalities. Sometimes I have the confidence to talk to people and have long entertaining conversations. I become so funny and people interact with me. On the other hand, other times I cannot even find a single word to say and i start mumbling like a fool. my brain doesn't function well at those times. people talk to me and start conversations, but I cannot keep up with the conversation.

I feel that it is just an illusion, and it is all in my head, but at the same time I think it has to do with chemicals in my brain.
I tried to check my schedule on those days on which i am confident, and see if I did an activity that resulted my confidence, or if i ate something that makes me behave a certain way, but I failed to find any significance.

I believe that I have confidence, but I cannot get it out of me.

Is there any medication that helps me stablize "my brain's chemicals reactions "?