View Full Version : Am i taking this the wrong way?

09-06-2013, 11:03 AM
Who else does this besides me?

Friend: a graduate resume is completely different than a job resume.
Me: *feels stupid and feels like he should have known that and feels hurt but doesn't show it and nods.*

Who else gets this from being corrected or told information?

09-06-2013, 03:41 PM
A resume is a resume. There's just a different slant accentuating academic achievements and potential compared to qualifications based on job experience and accomplishments. Of course there's a diff but.................. so what? Tell not to be anal about it. Alankay

09-07-2013, 10:27 PM
A resume is a resume. There's just a different slant accentuating academic achievements and potential compared to qualifications based on job experience and accomplishments. Of course there's a diff but.................. so what? Tell not to be anal about it. Alankay

I was asking about the feeling i got. Not about the resume itself lol.

09-07-2013, 11:34 PM
I can't stand any form of criticism or mocking whilst I am anxious and depressed. I find it gets me into really bad tempers which I can't control.
I am not good at taking criticism or being wrong usually, but it is ten times worse when I am not well.
I have real trouble stopping myself from getting into really bad tempers when it happens, especially at work.

09-08-2013, 09:07 AM
I can't stand any form of criticism or mocking whilst I am anxious and depressed. I find it gets me into really bad tempers which I can't control.
I am not good at taking criticism or being wrong usually, but it is ten times worse when I am not well.
I have real trouble stopping myself from getting into really bad tempers when it happens, especially at work.

I'm the same way but my temper is internalized and it effects my thinking of everything else that day.

09-11-2013, 07:52 PM
I know what you mean and it's always worse when it happens in front of a group of people. This isn't exclusive to people who suffer from anxiety/depression but we definitely take it a lot harder and put more thought into what has happened. The best thing you can do is try and laugh it off best you can if the situation calls for it, or if you're up to it you can even argue your point and why you thought what you did. No one should think you are stupid for doing this and you'll definitively feel more accomplished and positive if you do so.

09-12-2013, 08:39 PM
I know what you mean and it's always worse when it happens in front of a group of people. This isn't exclusive to people who suffer from anxiety/depression but we definitely take it a lot harder and put more thought into what has happened. The best thing you can do is try and laugh it off best you can if the situation calls for it, or if you're up to it you can even argue your point and why you thought what you did. No one should think you are stupid for doing this and you'll definitively feel more accomplished and positive if you do so.

very true. anyone can feel this way unexpectedly and be downed the same way. it doesnt matter if i have anxiety and depression or not to feel bad.

but i did some research. i think this is simply taking it to heart which it doesn't need to be.

09-14-2013, 09:58 AM
I would not be too concerned. We are all ignorant on certain topics.

10-03-2013, 02:24 PM
I do the same thing. I internalize things that aren't really that important (or shouldn't be) and obsess on them. Today at work I received an email from someone who was obviously irritated with a situation that had to do with me but it was something I wasn't trained on. Usually I would berate myself for not knowing what to do in the situation. Instead I figure now I know what to do next time.... but that being said I totally get how you're feeling.

10-03-2013, 03:33 PM
UGH!! I am dealing with this myself, I think. In academia a resume is often referred to as an curriculum vitae. It is formatted differently and, as alankay said, there are differences in what is emphasized.

I will say RANT RANT RANT that academics can be so critical at times. So smarter-than-thou!! Gawd. And, yeah, as an academic, I do take it to heart when I'm made to feel stupid because in the ivory tower it's all about being intelligent. RANT OVER. I totally get where you're coming from, Sazco. But, eh, just let it slide.

10-11-2013, 06:43 AM
I know what you mean. Sometimes I can get really angry and hostile when being corrected about something.
I'm actually very worried about this today as I'm starting my first day of a new job. It always seems like, even things I had know reason to know I'm the first place, I shouldve known and people are going to be judging me about it and mocking me

10-11-2013, 07:05 AM
I know what you mean. Sometimes I can get really angry and hostile when being corrected about something. I'm actually very worried about this today as I'm starting my first day of a new job. It always seems like, even things I had know reason to know I'm the first place, I shouldve known and people are going to be judging me about it and mocking me Well if you dont take it personally (which is wat we did and sometimes still do), it wont sting. like they say we know for next time. one step back two steps forward. :)

10-11-2013, 07:22 AM
Well if you dont take it personally (which is wat we did and sometimes still do), it wont sting. like they say we know for next time. one step back two steps forward. :)

Every time I have to go into a situation where I feel like this I put sticky notes on the dash of my car that say things like "Nobody noticed that" "I don't know YET" and "They won't judge me half as hard as I do"
Nobody expects me to know what I'm doing, and once I get the hang of things I do great. I know this, logically

10-11-2013, 07:36 AM
It's just a self esteem thing. Work on that a bit, and stuff like this will be gone. :)

10-11-2013, 07:36 AM
:) Every time I have to go into a situation where I feel like this I put sticky notes on the dash of my car that say things like "Nobody noticed that" "I don't know YET" and "They won't judge me half as hard as I do" Nobody expects me to know what I'm doing, and once I get the hang of things I do great. I know this, logically

thats good then :)