View Full Version : new and worried!

11-14-2007, 06:56 PM
hi everyone!
my name is lauren and i have been suffering from ptsd and anxiety for 6 years...
currently i am having problems with twitching...ive had all the tests you can have and nothing has shown up....
i keep having muscle twitches and now i keep having this jerking thing happening...like my arm will jerk or my leg will jerk or my whole body....weird and very scary!
anyone have this? i know muscle twitching is a sign of anxiety but what about this jerking?

11-14-2007, 07:53 PM
hey lauren - i've been told i have GAD and i've been pretty good the past year or 2. but man oh man - it's gotten so bad. the twitching was a new manifestation for me. for me, i get involuntary twitching in my facial muscles mainly. however, i do get the occasional 'flying arm' at work. i hit my computer the other day by accident.

i chalk it up to chemical imbalance. there's a condition called restless legs syndrome that is believed to be due to a certain imbalance. i think it's what Kramer called the "jimmy legs" on seinfeld!

you're not alone

11-16-2007, 11:39 AM
This happened to me yesterday for the first time.
I was attempting to rest when I would be woken up by the sudden jerking of my leg or arm. I figured it was my anxiety running amuck.
It's a really weird feeling. For waht seems like no reason whatsoever, your arm or leg just shoots out. Really freaky.

11-16-2007, 03:22 PM
the twitching is form muscle tension and stress from your anxiety ive had the same thing for a while now my muscle tension got that bad that whole one side of my self would twitch and i could not sleep on that side but soon as i would calm down i was right just have to learn how to relax

11-20-2007, 04:06 PM
It's so weird...I was on the internet trying to figure my jerking sensations out and I finally gave up and typed "anxiety forum." The first post I clicked on was this one :)

I have the same problem. Mostly it's just my neck jerking forward. Often I get a funny sensation in my head. The ativan helps a lot. Just try not to assume the worst

The Melody of Rain
01-09-2008, 09:02 PM
This happened to me yesterday for the first time.
I was attempting to rest when I would be woken up by the sudden jerking of my leg or arm. I figured it was my anxiety running amuck.
It's a really weird feeling. For waht seems like no reason whatsoever, your arm or leg just shoots out. Really freaky.

This can actually occur in people who dont have anxiety, and to tell you the truth its pretty common.

01-09-2008, 09:32 PM
Sometimes I'll be falling asleep and my body will suddenly jerk. Usually when that happens though I am sorta dreaming about falling or something.

Lately when I get really upset or tense , I get more twitches, jerks, or spasms. They usually happen in the back of my neck or back. It is freaky and irratating.

01-10-2008, 03:16 AM
Hi Lauren

Have you been tested for Restless Legs Syndrome?

I recently had an experience with muscle spasms and twitching in my legs from a side effect of a drug adminstered when I was sick in hospital so I can deeply understand your discomfort and the pain this sensation causes. I was ready to climb the walls and couldn't control my legs at all.

I believe muscle relaxants can help with the muscle twitching and jerking. Have you looked into these as options for some relief?

The other sensation somebody mentioned where they jerk before going to sleep is very common and is called a hypnic jerk. You have the feeling that you are dropping something or are about to fall off a cliff or down the stairs etc. It happens often when you are overtired or aren't comfortable when you are trying to get to sleep.

01-12-2008, 04:39 AM
lol, this happened to me just about two nights ago. I was trying to get to sleep, and I get these "spasms" that jerk me awake. They're not too often, so I shrug them off.

I have restless leg syndrome too (I believe). I'm always moving my feet, rubbing them together, etc... and I actually don't mind it. Whenever I'm sitting or laying down, I'm always rubbing the base of my foot on the other. Keeps 'em nice and warm when I'm trying to sleep :tongue: