View Full Version : I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never seen anything like it.

09-05-2013, 02:04 AM
I've had anxiety and depression since I was very young, and it gets worse and worse as the years go on, but when I was 19, that's when it got really, really bad.

I have these weird, paranoid thoughts that I can't control, that I know don't make any sense. I always think people are going to think I'm going to steal their stuff if I get to close to it. I have a weird fear of objects. Not that I'm afraid of objects, it's that I'm afraid what people might think.

If I see someone's purse or food, I walk way around it because I always have this paranoid thought that they'll think I'm going to take something of theirs if I walk too close to it. And in turn, this makes me look suspicious. It's any object, really.

In stores, I walk way around cash registers and way around people with purses because of my paranoid thoughts. I avoid doors at all places because I always think people will think I'll go into a door or a room I'm not supposed to be in and mess with their stuff or something.

I know these thoughts don't make any sense and I know these behaviors are abnormal, but I can't control them no matter how hard I try. I've never seen anyone behave the way I do. Sometimes I wonder if I'm possessed by something or someone put a curse on me because of the way I act and the way I can't control it. I also always feel very, very foggy and like I'm in a dream 24/7.

What is wrong with me??? I don't know why I'm like this. Why can't I control it. I don't know what to do anymore.

09-05-2013, 03:07 AM
Many people have odd quirks. Maybe it's time to just accept yourself for who you are, someone with a unique and odd little quirk. It might help eliminate some of the anxiety your behavior is causing you. Once you accept and stop pushing against it so much, maybe you can work on overcoming it!