View Full Version : In less than 2 hours time!

09-05-2013, 12:36 AM
Well in less than 2 hours time i will be on my way to the hospital. Im sitting here and very very anxious. Im seeing the doctor about the chest pain ive been having. Ive been very worried about the lump/lumps in my breast as well as the pain ive been having in my ribs/back and under my arm. I know that i will be examined and then a ultrasound. If anything is found or they are worried about things there will be other tests done. I then have to leave that department and go and have an xray done. Then tomorrow morning i have to see the doctors.

A couple of times ive stressed out that much i thought about not going. I have to keep telling myself i need to go because if i sit at home i will be worrying about whats wrong with me and the lumps/pain. The worry at times has just gone out of control. At the moment im feeling sick, shaking alittle, i have a dry mouth, my hands feel clammy,head feels all over the place. To top it off my chest hurts, i dont want them touching me when i hurt.

I know its important to get this done and i know if someone else was in my shoes i would tell them to go, im just worried about the outcome. Ive not had a break from aches and pains since 2011 and in turn not been able to relax and live a normal life because of worrying about all the problems.

Sorry to go on but i just feel i need to explain how i feel so people can understand me. I hope im ok.

09-05-2013, 12:41 AM
Im praying your tests come back normal! And that you get to the bottom of your problems. Ill be up a while longer if you need someone to talk to. Please keep us updated.

09-05-2013, 01:49 AM
Im praying your tests come back normal! And that you get to the bottom of your problems. Ill be up a while longer if you need someone to talk to. Please keep us updated.

Hi, thank you for your reply im just about to leave, ive had a few tears and my stomach is rolling around. I keep having to clear my mind and pretending im just going out not going to the hospital. If i start going through things in my mind like whats going to happen then it starts the anxiety off. So i just keep clearing my mind and thinking of nothing. x