View Full Version : Chest X-Ray Radiation Danger?

09-04-2013, 10:30 PM
I went to see my doctor today for a physical and to talk about some concerns with her. I had emailed her recently to say that I felt she wasn't taking my physical health issues seriously because she attributed everything to my anxiety. She replied and sounded concerned and was apologetic. And when I went to see her today she has now kind of gone to the other extreme and is willing to do tons of tests!! One test she suggested which I hadn't even thought of was a chest x-ray. The last one I had was in 2009 when I went to the ER with chest pain and they did a routine chest X-ray. It was normal, and my chest pain turned out to be something muscular.

At any rate I didn't get the chest x-ray today because I was in a hurry and I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow anyway for fasting blood work so I said I'd have the chest x-ray then. When I told my husband he said he didn't think it was healthy for me to get a chest x-ray unless it was absolutely necessary because of the danger of accumulating too much radiation. I've been googling and it seems there are mixed views on how many x-rays are too many. From what I've read it sounds like a chest x-ray uses a relatively small amount of radiation. But now I'm nervous about exposing myself unnecessarily to an x-ray.

What do other folks think here about x-rays and have you routinely been given chest x-rays as part of a physical?

Thanks for any feedback.