View Full Version : Propranolol

09-04-2013, 01:09 PM
I was originally taking 40mg of these which worked pretty well up until a very serious situation on which I had the worst anxiety attack of my life, now everytime I take them they seem to have no positive impacts only bad ones. I went to the doctors who said it may be due to it being too strong of a dose in one go so they gave me 80mg slow release but this is again making it worse, I tend to have a slight feeling of euphoria for a short period of time alongside bad acid reflux and a very easy ability to sweat.

I am trying to avoid medication but is there any alternative to Propranolol? Something worth using? as I'm getting no relief at all.

09-05-2013, 01:53 PM
I was originally taking 40mg of these which worked pretty well up until a very serious situation on which I had the worst anxiety attack of my life, now everytime I take them they seem to have no positive impacts only bad ones. I went to the doctors who said it may be due to it being too strong of a dose in one go so they gave me 80mg slow release but this is again making it worse, I tend to have a slight feeling of euphoria for a short period of time alongside bad acid reflux and a very easy ability to sweat.

I am trying to avoid medication but is there any alternative to Propranolol? Something worth using? as I'm getting no relief at all.

Hi I was also given the 80mg but it was too much so they gave me 40mg but this is still too much if you look on the pink tablet it has a score line use a sharp knife to half your pills i find this doesn't give me any trouble other than it makes me sleepy, I checked this with my doctor first I would recommend you do the same, also I take mine as needed and not daily, if I feel myself starting to get a bit anxious then I try to stop it in its tracks. I hope this helps.