View Full Version : Anxiety and taking medicine

09-04-2013, 12:25 PM
I hate taking meds as I am extremely sensitive to everything I put in my body. The only thing I take is my lexapro daily which I've been doing for 11 years and an occasional Tylenol or motin for headaches. I've been suffering from a horrible tonsil infection for weeks now and I finished one course of antibiotics with no relief so they put me on a new one plus a steroid. I've been hesitant to start them since I've never taken this type of antibiotic before (clindamycin). I wasn't scared to take the other because it was penicillin and I've had that as a child with no problems. But I'm in so much pain I wanna get better so I popped one about 2 hours ago and idk if its my nerves or what but Ive been flushing and hot. I'm so scared of having an anaphylactic reaction! Now I definitely don't wanna try the steroids! Help

09-04-2013, 11:13 PM
How are you doing? The steroid will help with the pain. The physician that perscribed it know about your anxiety?

09-04-2013, 11:27 PM
I befriended my pharmacist because my anxiety is so bad. When ever i was given a new med i would have racing thoughts telling me my body was going to have a bad reaction but really it was my anxiety causing me all the extra discomfort. So i text my pharmacist for reassurance fairly often and he's never let me down. If the first round of antibiotics didn't work then you definitely want to take that steroid. You'll be perfectly fine, its the pharmacies job to make sure your medications wont react to each other. Just take deep breaths. I tend to browse Reddit r/aww till i feel better. But trust me, the medications wont be bad at all compared to your current pain. I had a bad case of strep last year.

09-04-2013, 11:54 PM
Hey thanks for replying. I'm feeling better, had a killer headache earlier which I slept off and just took my second dose. I'm going to start the steroids tomorrow because I wanted to make sure I know how the clindamycin makes me feel first. So if I have a reaction ill know which caused it. I'm hoping these do the trick and don't cause cliff because then ill really freak out! I'm an RN and I can admit we are the worst patients, but me especially because I'm a hypochondriac. My fear of meds has prevented me from switching antidepressants (my lexapro stopped working years ago), and from taking a klonopin when I get a panic attack. It's like I'd rather suffer. I feel do silly because I push pills all day and mix all types of meds on my patients and I'm constantly reassuring them but when it comes to myself I'm a mess!

09-04-2013, 11:55 PM
That should say c diff

09-04-2013, 11:58 PM
How are you doing? The steroid will help with the pain. The physician that perscribed it know about your anxiety?

No the dr didn't know about my anxiety. It's one of my colleagues at the hospital i had look at my throat and she wrote the script. I hides anxiety very well at work.

09-05-2013, 12:01 AM
I befriended my pharmacist because my anxiety is so bad. When ever i was given a new med i would have racing thoughts telling me my body was going to have a bad reaction but really it was my anxiety causing me all the extra discomfort. So i text my pharmacist for reassurance fairly often and he's never let me down. If the first round of antibiotics didn't work then you definitely want to take that steroid. You'll be perfectly fine, its the pharmacies job to make sure your medications wont react to each other. Just take deep breaths. I tend to browse Reddit r/aww till i feel better. But trust me, the medications wont be bad at all compared to your current pain. I had a bad case of strep last year.

What's reddit r/aww??

09-05-2013, 08:49 AM
What's reddit r/aww??

Lots of people all over post cute photos of their animals or kids. I can totally get lost in all the cuteness.

09-05-2013, 03:54 PM
Lots of people all over post cute photos of their animals or kids. I can totally get lost in all the cuteness.

Haha! Just looked at it. I love animals. Thanks

09-05-2013, 07:23 PM
Pintrest is pretty good to see animals. ;)

09-05-2013, 07:52 PM
Actually I demand old Friends episodes and crack up when I'm anxious!